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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. What you mean Tom??
  2. RogerB


    Check those <div> tags.
  3. I love the idea and actually asked for it in the features forum, and have been asking if we could do it for a few months....LOL
  4. I calculated the hours manually and did a recalc in the admin panel.....
  5. Ok, I just did a flight, the system is not doing the addition correctly, flight hours are wrong and pilot pay was off again......It did only add 1 flight like it was supposed to, so that is fixed.
  6. its also doubling the pilot pay............
  7. Ok, I have noticed that when a pilot files a flight the system adds 1 to their flights, then when I accept the PIREP the system adds the same flight again........Its being added 2 times.
  8. Yeah Tom if you set it up on your local machine you can view it ......If your using dream weaver you can use the get and put functions it has to put the files on your web server.
  9. You can set it up on your local machine if you like and run it. Use a program called wampserver. www.wampserver.com
  10. I would like to see a feature for the bids, when a flight is bid on it is no longer available for bid until the admins activate it again.
  11. RogerB

    Skin Release

    You said I was polluting the forums, why would I take that wrong? : : You have to be from the UK......That would explain a lot........ 8)
  12. RogerB

    Skin Release

    Jacob if a VA is doomed to fail they will, Skins have nothing to do with it......If you wanted to help feel free to do it in a PM....Feel free to have a look at my VA in progress, I clearly don't need your help, but thanks for offering.......mate......
  13. RogerB

    Skin Release

    Jacob I won't type what I was really thinking of your post. I don't have the time to make skins from scratch, I am being NICE and providing a service to PHPVMS. I thought people would appreciate me making a few skins that they could customize on their own with the base work being done for them, might help give them a better understanding of how to skin by viewing the work I did. This particular thread was supposed to be moved to the release forum. Don't like it, don't visit the Skin forum then. DB
  14. I have released a dark style skin , check it out on my site. www.fspaintshop.com Some editing is always required as always.
  15. did you look at some of the skins i released? A couple look like that. Here is how to marquee.. <marquee dir="ltr" behavior="scroll" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()">PUT YOUR TEXT HERE</marquee>
  16. Do you mean for the new pilots and recent flights?? go in to core/templates and find frontpage_main.tpl, the news, recent pilot, and new flights modules are in there. copy the code to your frontpage_main.tpl.
  17. All you do is put the style sheet in your skins folder and change the links in the header to reflect where your style sheet is........
  18. If you don't want the system to make your links remove this from the core_nav and save to your skin. <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?> <?php
  19. I thought you were someone else, my oppologies Wayne or Cody, what ever your name is. I get so many requests i lose track of people, that wasn't meant for you. So please excuse my mistake. Mark, all your tags should match thru out the site unless your calling the phpvms style sheet in addition to your own. IE isn't as forgiving as FF or Chrome.
  20. Back on topic : Mark, find this in your schedules page <div id="bodytext"> , replace it with <div id="mainbox"> At least thats the code your front page shows.
  21. Hey Dan, I really don't care what you think of my posts, but if you have a problem then PM me. The reason I said something is we have people who hand out advice and 99% of you don't know what your doing, so don't hand out advice if you don't. I fixed Cody's site if you actually read these forums. You have a problem with me because I don't baby people, if you want to start a VA, then you better have the means to do so.
  22. <div id="mainbox"> You are missing that on your schedules page, that is most likely why its doing that. You will have to go in and get the news_newsitem.tpl [core/templates] and change the code in that to match your template or skin and save to your skins folder. What I mean is you will have to change the "div" tags and what not to match your skin. Oh and Cody, you couldn't even do your own site, why are you handing out advice?
  23. ACARS
  24. When the system is adding your flights to the data base it is adding it +2 instead of +1, the addition is wrong. [example]Before my flight today I had 10 flights, after my flight I had 12. Everything else appears to be ok. The only other small thing I see is when clicking get flight from VA in FsAcars it isn't pulling the aircraft.
  25. Don't believe there is a way to do that.........
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