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Everything posted by Ariel

  1. took a look at your website and i think you might be having a javascript bug that could be caused by your template...i had that same problem quite some time back!! ill update my post when i find the thread that might help you out with this cant think of it at the top of my head!! UPDATE:!!! I FOUND IT!! how could i have forgotten it i posted in that thread http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6976-flight-schedule-bid-error/#entry48961 that should help you im not sure if your using the sleekv1 template since i havent seen that template in ages but it should help you!! since your schedules template is taking ppl no where!!
  2. from what i think you are talking about...they should be in your core>templates> folder they all should start or look something like schedule_xxx.tpl ofcourse the xxx could be anything from bids to searchform etc....check the phpvms setup and then transfer the clean/new files into your server!
  3. Yup i keep getting your malware error ...ive never seen it happen before...atleast not on VAs!! best of luck with your va! check out your website report it tells you why you were reported or why google has flagged you as malwaree
  4. do waht ^^^he^^ said....and check that the database knows your url is not http://skybahamasva.co.cc it could be still pointing and using that url and that could be why you are getting that error message!
  5. sorry to intercept but looks like we are getting the same question over and over again!! from what i understood is.. If you land in airport A with a/c x123x anyone in airport A can use x123x but if your in airport B you cant schedule a flight with a/c x123x because it isnt there what you are asking him to do is to make the same a/c be available in any airport no matter where it lands...whats the point of getting this system for then...just follow your operations with out this system...pointless to ask for such request when its already there with out using this!! just my two cents in the matter...since seems like we are getting no where with ppl asking the same question!
  6. yea heres mines from my VA...still in the works so thats why i dont have much information but like they are all saying its easy just as simple as changing a phpvms skin all the templates are in the admin/templates folder! mines is not as fancy as afsalzains but it will do for now i just didnt like seeing the default phpvms skin the admin had!! UPDATE: I dont know why anyone would flag my admin center screencap...couldnt of been nabeel...if it matters i own rights to the license between me and delta for the use of there name and logo but here is the pic that was flagged!
  7. i keep getting this error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/myphpvms/public_html/core/templates/profile_main.tpl on line 16 is that because i dont have any flights or why could it be telling me this!?!?!?
  8. i like #1 love #2 and #3 just seem like a clusterFk
  9. you are entitled to your own opinion unfortunetly mines isnt the same as yours! we have all used templates that have been around since phpvms was created and we have all modified them to such a great extent that it resembles nothing like the original template! with this i completely agree...constructive feedback is the best feedback and im sure or atleast i hope its something Zishan looked into before making his investment on the airline... its really up to him to make the best of what he has!
  10. Jordan left you a great looking VA..make good use of it!! best wishes!!
  11. perfect!! thanx for the code!!! really good addon
  12. well its there in plain black text its telling you what is wrong with it Notice: The template file "/home/wwwsudan/public_html//lib/skins/CURRENT_SKIN/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/wwwsudan/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 22 i dont know if its the actual templateset.class.php file that might be corrupt or there might not be a header.tpl you might want to reupload both!
  13. what code makes the name a link to the pilots profile!?!?!
  14. already got info on it!! my IFE is currently under development...thanx tho!!
  15. PM me more info!!!
  16. hahah i was just thinking about this idea not so long ago....the thing with skyblue radio...they have ottomix which is there radio robot....no DJs just a playback list....with djs you will actually be interacting with people which was what i wanted to create....i would be more than interested in this project....also would love to be a DJ!! PM me with any details you have or progress in the works!!
  17. where can i inquire about your IFE...or get more information?!?!?
  18. Heres Pacific Blue Virtuals Pilot Center
  19. from the looks of it WHICH THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH but it seems like you guys are helping him REDESIGN his whole website!!
  20. no lie it looks pretty clean... good start up for a new VA... just ONE thing!! when you click on your logo it goes to http://www.flyezy.co.uk/index.php/index.html you might want to fix that really up to you thought i point it out!!! other than that ...left me speechless...it looks good!!
  21. not really from my understanding... it isnt good ol HTML days..now you have HTML 5 and CSS..PHP etc...you can try but it will not all be compatible with all browsers!! I COULD BE WRONG!!
  22. wish you the best of luck with your VA!!
  23. have you tried refreshing signatures in admin panel???
  24. i dont think this is the issue with or with out a hub phpvms works fine suggest you do wat^^^said....seems like pilotdata.class.php file might be a bit corrupted or something is going on with database re install let us know what happens after that!!
  25. yea wow thats weird your directorys/files came like that...well glad you where able to fix it...your welcome and if anything you know where to ask for help!!
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