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Everything posted by Ariel

  1. now this just looks really bad in your part!!! you dont only just point it out that we shouldnt do it...you go on and on and on about how we should be looking for staff somewhere else... oooooohhh how the tables have turned!
  2. oh that site has never worked....which is why i keep asking for a link...cus everyone is commenting on how it looks like and i havent been able to take a look!!
  3. is it me or is there still no link to his site?
  4. by the way dont know if it matters in any way and i know its off topic to wat your posting....McAfee is flagging your site as DANGEROUS !!
  5. have to agree with Sava on this one...some color would be nice!!
  6. NO that is a news article and you dont have to go through the back end go to your admin center go to NEWS & CONTENT and there you will see News and from there youll see the welcome news that the phpvms installer posted...you can delete it and make a new post ...there is a link on the far upper left that says ADD NEWS and there you will be able to post news if there is anything on the main page you want to change go to your temlpate files in core/templates/ and there you will see all the .tpl files you need to change any text on the whole site for the main page its frontpage_main.tpl
  7. First and for most i love the design you have put into it..looks like you have actually taken the time to design it well....you might want to mess around with the menu colors see what can work out for your menu bar as the letters are like a dark gray specially on the FLIGHTS ONLINE button...the red background doesnt complement the dark grey letters in this matter.... also your HOME button takes me to this http://www.voetamv.com.br/pag/index.html and gives out this the index page shouldnt have /page/ in the URL over all Gabriel i think you did a fantastic job!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!
  8. so far it looks good...very clean...more color would be nice....also would be cool to have the logo up there some where!!
  9. i completely forgot who had there pilot center like the one i have that i was going to get permission to make it like theres...before they start thinking i stold there work but the images of there pilot center are no longer on here and i dont know who it is....if any one you have the same pc let me know to ask for permission if it even matters other than that i loved the way it was made i had to do it for my VA...VA STILL ON THE WORKS!! Heres my VAs pilot center
  10. DELETED!
  11. this question gets asked more than the steps it takes to update the pilot badge....im assuming your new...i dont think ive seen you around here...please if there is any question about phpvms or any error you encounter please search the forums first before post...like that we dont get the same questions asked all the time...also from the post you made about your va might seem you are running on free hosting since your using a .tk domain you can read more about free hosting problems here http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3007-my-signature-banner-is-not-appearing/ anywho this is what you do to reset signatures! go to your admin panel... on the side bar go to Site & Settings... there on the options click on Maintenance Options and there on the right you will see the RESET SIGNATURES click on that and thats it!
  12. uhm an actual link would be nice....and i dont believe your site is up or available...i cant access it!!
  13. higher chances of it being the body where you are going to have to make the changes!! use something like firebug for your browser and play with the css and see what comes of it and then add the changes to your css file!!
  14. i dont consider it bashing when im expressing my opinion...that it comes off rude or bad....or sounds like bashing is a total different story...i dont get on others @55 about bashing people then go to another forum and bash someone else! other than that i agree he has build up his own rep...it being a bad one...then agreed...he shall not get help from anyone!
  15. well it would be nice to know what exactly your looking it....a link would be appreciated...and the built in acars map already has its own page! should be something like http://www.myvirtualairlines.com/index.php/acars
  16. oh come on guys.... help the guy.... @mattsmith... you can go to www.iconfinder.com and find alot of icons there that you can use...buttons you might have to create them and add icons from that site....photoshop works wonders...if you dont have photoshop... gimp will do perfect....how to create buttons....google it you will find quite alot of tutorials on how to create buttons or you can find a site with free buttons and implement them into your va!
  17. and then you tell others not to bash in these forums!! instead of helping the guy you guys result to bashing....yea i admit his rep is not the greatest in the community but give the guy a break....we know he isnt one to keep a va open longer than he thinks
  18. you edit the ranks the same way you added them just go to the rank and click on EDIT to the far right of your screen! just re add the url to the rank!
  19. sometimes you have to re add the image...just edit the rank and put the url again and it should fix that problem.....i had that problem with my VA not that long ago but i kept on putting it on and it did...if it doesnt fix it...then i really dont know what exactly could be causing it!
  20. got a good looking VA there...best of luck with it!!!!
  21. My advice to you aswell would be to be courteous to other members if you want them to be courteous and respectful to you. Also, might be good to check your message before posting it as I needed to read your message several times to get a rough idea on what you were saying. More food for your thought!
  22. wat are you talking about it was unitedstatesvirtual.com that i looked at!!
  23. hahahhahahaha that was a joke right! hahahha...that guy is a joke him self!! hahahahha okay out of top (talkingtoself) hahahah wow...good laugh so anywho anyone really knows anything on how to do this would be a really cool mod!
  24. you cant create a module depending on positive response from the public...thats insane ...you already made it worse and let attractive to the average phpvms ceo by saying its going to be payware...dont scare more ppl off by waiting on the publics response to what YOU want to do!
  25. well your language barrier could be the cause of the clearity of what you were talking about...but thats pointless why wouldnt you want to make the A/C available at airport A if thats where the plane is at and is available for any pilot of that hub/airport to use! thats what the real wold counterpart of your VA would do!! my interception wasnt pointless it made you make your opinion on the matter more clear ...agressive yes maybe...ill give you that one!! and apologize for that but this thread was getting no where!! with ppl asking the same thing and for modifications that were either made already or pointless!
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