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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. Yes http://forum.phpvms....and-add-ons-r25
  2. You will have to change the cookie name for one of the installs since they are on the same domain. Put it your local.config.php file and change "VMSAUTH" to something else; define('VMS_AUTH_COOKIE', 'VMSAUTH');
  3. It was a server path issue from the server migration. It has been corrected and I am able to change mine.
  4. Change your api url from api.vacentral.net to api.phpvms.net I did not think that anyone was still using that api url.
  5. What errors are you getting, your site is not showing any that I see right now.
  6. The DNS seems to be fully propogated and I have cleaned up a few of the links and such. Most every active va is sending data and it is being posted. I also believe I have fixed the bug that was causing many live flights to not be shown on the map. I did however set the time limit to 3 minutes, meaning that if a flight has not updated in the last 3 minutes it is dropped form the map, there is just too many to keep them very long. If you can give me the IP address of your server I can make sure it is not blocked in the firewall for some reason. (Edit) - I just checked what I think is your IP ( and it is not in any firewall setting. - Are you getting any errors in the logs?
  7. It should be up and running now. There may be some issues for some sites for the next 24 hours as the domains propagate.
  8. I have tried to go back and compare the differences between pages that work correctly and those that don't on your site. The only commonality I can find is that the page title is not defined in the controller of the pages that you are having issues with. Can you try opening up /core/modules/Pilots/Pilots.php and add in the command to the top and see if the error goes away for the pilot roster page? Existing should be class Pilots extends CodonModule { /** * Pilots::index() * * @return */ public function index() { add the title into the class like below class Pilots extends CodonModule { public $title = 'Pilots'; /** * Pilots::index() * * @return */ public function index() {
  9. I have no idea what this means......
  10. simpilot

    Connection Error

    The kACARS module is either not installed on your site or it is the wrong version for the client you are using most likely.
  11. Not a file permissions error, read the errors closely. The file_put_contents command is disabled which is denying you use of it. The site is not available at all now.
  12. The first part of the log looks like the mysql server was down or could not be reached at some point in time. There should be server logs available in your cpanel if they are not in the root of your site, or your host should be able to supply them. I really think that you may want to look at a different hosting platform with all the 503 errors and mysql server being down, among other things. It looks like your site is having some permissions issues on the server as well right now.
  13. Template file missing possibly, text format maybe? Are there any errors showing on the page or the error log?
  14. Have you tried this? -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6522-registration-error/#entry53987
  15. You have conflicts between the bootstrap and phpvms scripts, two different versions of jquery that you are loading, and a few other things. That page in particular is showing an error right away in the phpvms.js file (image attached). Take a look at the changes made to the different javascript functions here -> https://github.com/D...rk/phpvms_5.5.x
  16. Oh my god! Is anyone going to answer me?
  17. use action.php instead of index.php - it will be "skinless"
  18. You need to get unique keys for your site from Google. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21986-nocaptcha-recaptcha-for-phpvms/#entry117745
  19. Is the table empty when you view all pilots in the admin panel as well? If so, it could be an issue with loading the javascript files for the admin side.
  20. Have you tried replacing the index.php file in the site root with a fresh one? I am wondering if it isnt just corrupted as I can see the admin side without an issue -> http://lnx.millenium...admin/index.php Also, looking at the error this may shed some light on the issue -> http://www.pranavpc.com/2010/12/solution-for-suexec-policy-violation-error-that-occurs-in-some-webhosts/
  21. All the file mismatches can be ignored, the hash has not been updated so they are not going to match. Is there anything in the server error log?
  22. Have you enabled phpVMS debugging, if so what errors are you seeing? What are the newest errors in the server error log? The ones shown above really do not tell much of a story. I tried going to your site and get a 503 error on about every third page load, which I believe is more of a server resource issue than a software issue.
  23. Make this change -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/commit/59e80518130a693ad1756066f9a02119a39b6771 <- to correct the image from text error. The 500 error could be just about anything but I would start with removing the .htaccess file from the site root and see if that is the issue.
  24. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/18860-i-have-a-xxxxxxtpl-file-not-found-error/
  25. You are allowing it to create a new table.
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