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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. I think this is what you are looking for <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { //do stuff if the user is logged in } else { //do stuff if they are not logged in } ?>
  2. Whats the link to your site/map?
  3. I would look at it again. It seems to be working on the example -> http://skyline-va.de/phpvms/index.php/acars/viewmapbig
  4. There is a couple of charts including the pie chart for aircraft usage on this page -> /index.php/profile/stats
  5. I think you should be importing it directly into your phpvms_airports table. I have not seen the file but if the first line is table headers you will need to set phpmyadmin to ignore them.
  6. <?php echo SITE_URL?> This should output the url of your site as defined in your local.config.php file
  7. Without knowing how the template has been edited I would guess the link has been edited incorrectly. It should be something like: <a id="<?php echo $schedule->id; ?>" class="addbid" href="<?php echo actionurl('/schedules/addbid/?id='.$schedule->id);?>">Add to Bid</a>
  8. You still have to put some code in your skin for the links. The information can be found int he first post here -> http://forum.phpvms....822-airmail-30/ The search function is your friend.
  9. Heres a start -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/19785-livemap-and-inair/#entry106970
  10. Have you tried adding "addslashes" to the incoming text from the form? I have already added it to the pilotname field in my development version to fix pilot names with apostrophes. public static function AddNewsItem($subject, $body) { $subject = DB::escape($subject); $body = DB::escape($body); $postedby = Auth::$userinfo->firstname . ' ' . Auth::$userinfo->lastname; //added to combat pilot names with apostrophes $postedby = addslashes($postedby); $sql = 'INSERT INTO ' . TABLE_PREFIX . "news (subject, body, postdate, postedby) VALUES ('$subject', '$body', NOW(), '$postedby')"; $res = DB::query($sql); if (DB::errno() != 0) return false; return true; } maybe try $body = addslashes($body);
  11. You are going to have to catch the error from the database. If you enable de-bugging and do not see it add this to your SiteData.class file in the addPage function temporarily, then try to add a page and see what it shows. $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pages (pagename, filename, postedby, postdate, public, enabled) VALUES ('$title', '$filename', '$postedby', NOW(), $public, $enabled)"; $ret = DB::query($sql); if (DB::errno() != 0) return false; make it look like this temporarily $sql = "INSERT INTO " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pages (pagename, filename, postedby, postdate, public, enabled) VALUES ('$title', '$filename', '$postedby', NOW(), $public, $enabled)"; $ret = DB::query($sql); var_dump(DB::error());exit; if (DB::errno() != 0) return false; I am guessing there is an apostrophe in the user name or the text somewhere that you don't realize is there. What is the link to your site?
  12. You need to use phpMyAdmin, probably from your hosting control panel. The image you show is the phpVMS admin panel.
  13. Untested but try -> /core/common/SiteData.class.php public static function GetAllPages($onlyenabled = false, $loggedin = false) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pages"; if ($onlyenabled == true) { $sql .= ' WHERE enabled=1'; if ($loggedin == false) { $sql .= ' AND public=1'; } } return DB::get_results($sql); } to public static function GetAllPages($onlyenabled = false, $loggedin = false) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . TABLE_PREFIX . "pages"; if ($onlyenabled == true) { $sql .= ' WHERE enabled=1'; if ($loggedin == false) { $sql .= ' AND public=1'; } } $sql .= ' ORDER BY pagename ASC'; return DB::get_results($sql); }
  14. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/18860-i-have-a-xxxxxxtpl-file-not-found-error/
  15. You need to allow the script more time to execute. Set it in your php.ini or edit the script and include a ini time declaration.
  16. Not sure if this is exactly what you want but using action.php instead of index.php will make it "skinless". I do not understand why you are going through all this work to bring all the functions outside of the phpVMS structure. You realize you can just skin (template) the phpVMS system to your likes, right?
  17. I am not aware of an option that resets a page template cache. There is a function in the admin panel to reset the general cache of the site but I do not beleieve it is going to do anything with the saving pages issue. Admin > Site & Settings > Maintenance Options > Clear Cache If your host was able to fix it before I would contact them again.
  18. levicosta released one here -> http://forum.phpvms....dmin-panel-free <- not sure if the link still works (EDIT: link broken) itrobb started one here -> http://forum.phpvms....min-skin-solved <- I don't know if he ever released anything but he has some good pointers in the thread. There are a few others, the search function is your friend.
  19. Admin > Airline Operations > Add & Edit Fleet In sidebar export a csv file to start with and fill out. Import it back to the system. That is about the easiest way unless you can get someone to give you their list but that is all part of building a VA.
  20. Not sure about the news error without more information but the page error is most likely a folder permissions issue on the pages foldwer. Check the permissions and make sure they are at least set to 0755
  21. If I am following you correctly and you are at - /pireps/view/(pirepid) - I think the variable should be $pirep->pirepid not $report->pirepid
  22. simpilot


    I think it is layout.tpl line 81 <a href="#">Ocean Blue</a>
  23. Taking a couple of guesses here as there is very limited information presented; - Is the route and its waypoints correct? - Is the waypoint in the database correct? - Are there two waypoints named the same for the one your are having trouble with?
  24. Answer is right above your post. The page it is looking for is not there - 404 error
  25. Did you run the update so the old database would be updated? Remember to always backup your database prior to making changes just in case of disaster.
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