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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. I have a new airports database running and working for the airport fetch in the admin panel. There are 45,000 +/- airports in it. YES, there probably a few that are wrong. If you find one just let me know and I will fix it if you provide the information. Some Notes: This is only working on the vacentral api - this means you have to set your config file to access this url; api.vacentral.net and set your lookup server to phpvms. It should look like this; Config::Set('AIRPORT_LOOKUP_SERVER', 'phpvms'); Config::Set('PHPVMS_API_SERVER', 'http://api.vacentral.net'); Fuel prices are not currently updating and all are set to 0.00 so you will probably only see a 0 in that field of the form. I do not know what the section of the form that states "Waiting for icao to update...' is really doing. There is no js code that I have come across that is attached to it. I am going to be removing that section in my version. Also be reminded that the vaCentral api is permanently changing to the api.vacentral.net url. The api.phpvms.net url will cease to operate on 9/15/2015. If you are using vaCentral the config code should look like this; Config::Set('VACENTRAL_ENABLED', true); Config::Set('VACENTRAL_API_SERVER', 'http://api.vacentral.net'); Config::Set('VACENTRAL_API_KEY', '----------YOUR VACENTRAL KEY----------');
  2. Moved to paid services.
  3. To start, you are loading jquery at least twice in the head: <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocket src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script> In the footer you load another version and bootstraps js library as well.: <script data-rocketsrc="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.10.2/jquery.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/bootstrap.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> Not to mention all this in the footer: <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/jquery.smartmenus.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/jquery.stellar.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/SmoothScroll.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/jquery.waypoints.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/jquery.lightbox.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/jquery.montage.min.js"></script> <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/jquery.carouFredSel-6.2.1-packed.js"></script> <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/helper-plugins/jquery.mousewheel.min.js"></script> <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/helper-plugins/jquery.touchSwipe.min.js"></script> <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/helper-plugins/jquery.transit.min.js"></script> <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/helper-plugins/jquery.ba-throttle-debounce.min.js"></script> <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/revolutionjs/jquery.themepunch.plugins.min.js"></script> <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/revolutionjs/jquery.themepunch.revolution.min.js"></script> <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/jquery.flexslider.js"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/jquery.easypiechart.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/jquery.tooltipster.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false&.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script type="text/rocketscript" data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/TimeCircles.js"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/tweetie.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/jquery.nouislider.min.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> <script data-rocketsrc="http://www.piavirtual.org/PIA/lib/skins/vp/js/themejs/application.js" type="text/rocketscript"></script> I also have no idea what "text/rocketscript" is, I think those should all be "text/javascript" You definitely have javascript conflicts going on in my opinion. About the only way to solve it is to start removing one at a time till things start working again.
  4. I would make sure the recaptcha library is actually being loaded, it may be a possible permissions issue.
  5. It is fixed, you are now ranked #61.
  6. Got me, are there any messages in the error log, or is there an apache error log in the site root?
  7. Try it again now, if nothing works please be sure to try Firefox.
  8. What browser are you using? Try a different one, I had this from one other user and it was the browser.
  9. There are a number of features that are tied to the phpvms/vacentral api at this time, most of which are out of date and or seemingly unused. My questions to the community are; 1 - Does anyone still rely on the airport lookup function from the add airport section of the admin panel? 2 - Does anyone still use the live fuel prices, most of which have not been updated for quite some time (years)? (If anyone knows of a fuel price feed that I could hook to please let me know.) 3 - Does anyone use the navpoint database connection, once again that has not been updated in quite some time? Also, would administrators be willing to upload a new vacentral api module your site to replace the existing to clear out a few deprecated functions and add any new ones? EDIT: I have also seen quite a few requests for a live FlightAware schedule connection. I can do this and if enough airlines signed up for the service could probably get a small discount from FlightAware for the data feed. If this is something everyone desires I already have the code written so I could put it in place but you would have to make a nominal deposit to be used against data charges as you made searches. Any one still interested?
  10. Did you try the unofficial version here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x ?
  11. Are you still getting this? I had it show up for a few hours yesterday on a number of different platforms. I am thinking it was on Google's end.
  12. It is showing now, there was an omission in the code on my part for when an airline adds a logo. sry The rankings I am still trying to get my head around. I took what was existing and have made it work for the moment but am trying to come up with something different or tweak it a little as it definitely gives too much to longevity right now. A new airline has a hard time in ever catching up.
  13. It should be available under your airline section on your profile page.
  14. The vaCentral API is being permanently changed to api.vacentral.net . The api.phpvms.net URL will cease to operate by 9/15/15. You can tell what server your airline is currently hooked to using the live flights page on the vacentral site. Please change your api url in your local.config.php file prior to 9/15/15. Your config should look like this Config::Set('VACENTRAL_ENABLED', true); Config::Set('VACENTRAL_API_SERVER', 'http://api.vacentral.net'); Config::Set('VACENTRAL_API_KEY', '----------Your Key--------------');
  15. I have the profile section working now -> http://forum.phpvms....15/#entry120771
  16. I have the user accounts working and you should be able to login to your account and add/edit airlines. The new user registration should be available soon. *NOTE: Everyone will have to change their password, use the reset password function on the login form. Your login is based on the email on your account.
  17. I am not sure if this file is exactly like what you are running but I am looking at this file from Nabeel's version here -> https://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/blob/master/core/common/PIREPData.class.php It looks like the update PIREP function that starts on line 991 never actually calculates the pilot pay, only the pay rate. At line 1012 it gets the pilot data including the pay rate, then on line 1082 it is injected back into the pirep data and is never calculated so it becomes just the base pay rate of the pilot. This is just a quick glance and it is possible it is being calculated somewhere else.
  18. Are the base images the script is looking for actually present? That looks to me as what is most likely going on.
  19. http://www.integratedpirepsystem.com/products/phpvms
  20. I think it was originally put there so an ACARs client could report if the flight was being flown on one of the online networks. As far as I am aware there is not one that actually has the ability to tell if the flight is connected to VATSIM, IVAO, or any other network.
  21. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/22761-help-me-plase/#entry120730
  22. I guess I am lost, if you have the auto retire set to false and they are still being set back to another status you must have something else running that is doing it, or you have multiple instances of the auto retire config lines in your system and the last one that is read is set to true.
  23. Note: Merged multiple topics.
  24. This is basically the same issue you have posted multiple times. I tried to give an answer here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/22767-hello-help-me/#entry120730
  25. Without some code it is hard to tell what you are doing. If you are trying to include phpVMS functions in a page outside of phpVMS you will have to include the core config file and use native phpVMS functions to get the data you want, or connect directly to the database using php/mysql and make your data calls from there.
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