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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. The codon package is MIT so you can do most anything you want with it, just keep the license file with the package. I do notice that the files themselves refer to the BSD license. Contact Nabeel through Git-Hub, he usually responds to comments and requests there. The ezdb package is all licensed MIT within the files. Leave the copyright notice in the source code and do what you will with it.
  2. Here are a number of topics, all pointing to the host/server issue. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3897-issue-with-phpvms/page__hl__%2Bcannot+%2Bopen+%2Bsocket http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4444-recaptcha-problem/page__hl__%2Bcannot+%2Bopen+%2Bsocket http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/17550-could-not-open-socket-error/page__hl__%2Bcannot+%2Bopen+%2Bsocket If you and your host are positive it is a scripting error, which would be odd with the number of sites that are operational using the same script, use google to find some help. A very quick search brought up numerous links to related issues like this one -> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/19055472/recaptcha-could-not-open-socket
  3. There is also this -> http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/getting-started/phpvms-for-dummies-guide-r36
  4. Seriously, at least name it something else.......
  5. Maybe this would help you -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21821-simpleslideshow-jquery-slideshow-plugin/
  6. Maybe something like this as a new function in your data class: public static function get_unique_monthly($month, $year, $howmany) { $query = "SELECT pilotid, code, flightnum, depicao, arricao, aircraft, MAX(landingrate) as landingrate, submitdate FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps` WHERE landingrate < '0' AND MONTH(submitdate) = $month AND YEAR(submitdate) = $year GROUP BY pilotid ORDER BY landingrate DESC LIMIT $howmany"; return DB::get_results($query); }
  7. I do not think that is an error with phpVMS, rather a setting or limitation in whatever you are using to edit the file.
  8. There are a number of admin modules that are only protected by the link not being in the menu for the user if he does not have permissions for that function. If you look at the MassMailer module you will find that each function has a permissions check; $this->checkPermission(EMAIL_PILOTS); but if you look at the PilotAdmin module it does not. It is one of the many things that need to be extended in the system. You could go through and add the proper permissions to every function in the admin system to fix it, just remember if there is ever an update the changes would probably be overwritten unless you submit them in a pull request to the Github project. On the other hand I would have to ask myself if I need people in my VA that I need to worry about doing things like this?
  9. I posted a number of solution threads here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21500-pilotdataclass-problem/page__hl__%26%23036%3B_files
  10. Most likely a javascript conflict, probably part of this issue you posted -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21810-no-route-passed/ <- try using Firebug as I pointed out, I think you will find that the issues are related.
  11. It is a php version conflict. phpVMS needs dome work to adapt to the newer versions of php. Search stict standards in the forum and you will come up with a bunch of threads with different fixes that have helped others. The one that seems to at least hide the errors for most is -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21165-solved-lots-of-errors <- it is not a "fix" merely a way to hide the errors.
  12. There is nothing in the default setup to do this. It can be done by coding your own module for the system. Here is an example of what I think you are looking for in a phpVMS system. -> http://virtualexpressjetairlines.org/action.php/multi/asq_roster
  13. Use Firebug for Firefox and see what the JS is throwing for an error. The script is getting old and usually needs to be modified in order to work with newer versions of jquery. I used Firebug in order to adapt it to work with bootstrap. You can find the addon here -> https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/firebug/
  14. Start a ticket here -> http://www.noticeablehosting.com/clients/ <- and attach the file. I will fix it and return it. It just needs to be updated to be compatible with php 5.5.
  15. There is nothing in the default setup of phpVMS that does this that I am aware of.
  16. I think that Txmmy83 gave you a good solution that would avoid you having to change core code that will get overwritten in an update. Enter your flights into the system like he said with a letter appended and then when you have them all in go back and edit them so they are all the same flight number.
  17. Just my two cents but I would think that the client end would probably be best suited to be built right into the ACARS client you are using, that would avoid the pilot having to open up yet another application. The admin side could be built right into phpVMS instead of a separate application as well, unless you are thinking about doing this as a phone app or something. Probably would be much more economically friendly as well.
  18. Make sure the file is there, the error is telling you that it does not exist, or it is not where it should be.
  19. I do not usually get involved with these things but I find that just scrapping this project when it has full rights and access to the branding of Ethiad kind of foolish. Michael, this is too good of an opportunity to let pass in my opinion, you will unlikely get another chance like this.
  20. Without error logs or any other answers to go on other than it started when you switched to php5.5 I would guess there is a non static function somewhere that is being called as static, but that is a shot in the dark with the limited information and responses. Also looking at part of the code there is a section that is looking for airport info that is polling the "AIRPORT_LOOKUP_SERVER". If you have this still set to the geonames option in your local config that could be causing the script to return false.
  21. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21500-pilotdataclass-problem/page__hl__%26%23036%3B_files
  22. In addition to all of these things it takes patience, lots of patience..
  23. I am not real familiar with FSFK but I did get the images all working in phpvms some time ago and I have never come across this message. I am assuming it shows up in the FSFK client as I do not see where it would come from on the script side after a quick look. I guess I would ask if using or not using the code part of the flight number makes a difference? Is there any error log form the site, either the phpvms error log or the server error log? If it is not finding the flight number I would imagine the error starts around this in the controller for FSFK $flightinfo = SchedulesData::getProperFlightNum($xml->FlightNumber); $code = $flightinfo['code']; $flightnum = $flightinfo['flightnum'];
  24. Open the admin controller file and change $this->set('sidebar', 'events/sidebar_events.php'); to $this->set('sidebar', 'events/sidebar_events.tpl');
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