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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. The log, route, and rawdata field for all pireps sent to vaCentral has also been missing in all versions of phpVMS. If you are using version <= 936 you will need to add the following line to CentralData.class.php find (appx line 387) $pirep_xml->addChild('revenue', $pirep->revenue); $pirep_xml->addChild('source', $pirep->source); $pirep_xml->addChild('landingrate', $pirep->landingrate); and add $pirep_xml->addChild('log', $pirep->log); $pirep_xml->addChild('route', $pirep->route); $pirep_xml->addChild('rawdata', $pirep->rawdata); Final config should look like $pirep_xml->addChild('revenue', $pirep->revenue); $pirep_xml->addChild('source', $pirep->source); $pirep_xml->addChild('landingrate', $pirep->landingrate); $pirep_xml->addChild('log', $pirep->log); $pirep_xml->addChild('route', $pirep->route); $pirep_xml->addChild('rawdata', $pirep->rawdata); } If you are using one of my 5.x versions you will have to make a slightly different change to the CentralData.class.php file which you can find here -> https://github.com/D...36627cd84661994 and here -> https://github.com/D...1d30bf0c602d5a1 EDIT: You must also make a change to PIREPData.class.php Find this following around line 320 for versions <= 936 public static function getReportDetails($pirepid) { $sql = 'SELECT p.*, s.*, s.id AS scheduleid, p.route, p.route_details, u.pilotid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.rank, and change to public static function getReportDetails($pirepid) { $sql = 'SELECT p.*, s.*, s.id AS scheduleid, p.route, p.route_details, p.rawdata, u.pilotid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.email, u.rank, If you are running a 5.5.x version the change can be found here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/commit/b746267be2988f7bfdc3017dabd215c2bc20e83d
  2. I think you said you are running 5.5.2 of my version, if that is correct try this; /core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php line 117 should be if (is_string($value) && $value != '' && substr_count($value, $this->tpl_ext) > 0) { change to if (is_string($value) && $value != '' && substr_count($value, $this->tpl_ext."\n\r") > 0) {
  3. Is your server (for flyaka) running on fastcgi for php? It would be in the first section of phpinfo and is labeled -> Server API
  4. Can you put up a phpinfo file and let me know the link? I think it is something in the config on the server, there is another site doing the same thing hosted on a Hostinger server as well. -> http://tamv.net/suav...hp/registration
  5. Try removing the registration form from the front page and see if the error goes away. EDIT: I meant login form
  6. Does any of the airline names have a period (.) in it? If the end of the error message looks something like; <select name="code" id="code"> <opt in /home/u328252270/public_html/suava/demo/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 96 I would guess the airline name has a period in it or possibly the code of the airline is TPL or PHP
  7. The landingrate field for all pireps sent to vaCentral has been missing in all versions of phpVMS. If you are using version <= 936 you will need to add the following line to CentralData.class.php find (appx line 387) $pirep_xml->addChild('revenue', $pirep->revenue); $pirep_xml->addChild('source', $pirep->source); and add $pirep_xml->addChild('landingrate', $pirep->landingrate); Final config should look like $pirep_xml->addChild('revenue', $pirep->revenue); $pirep_xml->addChild('source', $pirep->source); $pirep_xml->addChild('landingrate', $pirep->landingrate); } If you are using one of my 5.x versions you will have to make a slightly different change which you can find here -> https://github.com/D...a34aa0bee89bc97 This will allow vaCentral to track landing rates.This is going to be part of the new scoring system.
  8. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/21917-emails-to-webmaster/#entry117360
  9. Do you have the config setup with the correct key and everything? SmartCars does not report live map information if that is what you are looking for, only pirep's. You can find more about it here -> http://www.vacentral.net/faq
  10. A bug has been found in the ACARSData.class.php file that has been preventing the aircraft type to be included on the vaCentral live map. The fix can be found here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpvms_5.5.x/commit/0b60a4797a4c4532bb5ff2c1010bc87bdbd1e859 Thank You to Duncan White for this find.
  11. Try the fix here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS-Timetable/commit/8c3a55e4129eac4d2092f90734f8eaa17c7b04dc
  12. There has been no data transmitted since 9/15 so most likely you did not change the api url. You can find the info here -> http://www.vacentral.net/faq or here -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/22786-notice-vacentral-api-server-url-changing-permanently/
  13. Try deleting the .htaccess file in the root. If that works the issue is most likely with the apache config on the server you are on, something your host would have to take care of.
  14. The function is working on the vaCentral end. Looking at your site you do not have any schedules to transmit. -> http://olympicairlinesvirtual.com/index.php/schedules
  15. The auto incremented id of the table will not change for the same pilot number.
  16. I have added it to the feed. $xml->total_airlines It is only active airlines, not the total count.
  17. Example: 10,000 unit goal 3,600 in database Simple math to get percentage -> ((3600 / 10000) * 100) = 36 PHP <?php echo ((StatsData::TotalSchedules() / 10000) * 100); ?> That should give you a percentage between 0 and 100.
  18. The update is triggered by the receipt of ACARs data from a client, there is nothing really to change in phpVMS, it will update as soon as it gets a update. Not sure what you are saying here, or where the code is from. The code I see is; $sql = 'SELECT `id` FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . "acarsdata WHERE `pilotid`={$pilotid}"; It is going to pick the record by the pilot id. EDIT: I see where this code is from, it will not update the flight ID, but this is the database ID not a flight number if that is what you are thinking.
  19. The way the ACARS data is updated you are probably better to create a new table and populate it with the data you are looking for, or possibly use the pireps table to gather the data you are looking for. The current configuration updates any previous records by pilot id, even when it is the start of a new flight. This is done to control the size of that table.
  20. There is no difference, unfortunately the terminology has been used both ways in the system. Your pilot ranks will be auto calculated every time the cron maintenance or bootstrap file is run.
  21. This feature is already in place and redirects the registrant to an error page with the email in use message. In registration.php; $ret = RegistrationData::CheckUserEmail($data['email']); if($ret) { $this->set('error', Lang::gs('email.inuse')); $this->render('registration_error.tpl'); return false; }
  22. Looking like things are starting to take shape!
  23. I have re-cached and reset all the forums files to try and remedy this as IP board support has directed. I have never had the issue so I do not know if it is fixed. The license is set to expire anyway and I am exploring other options for a forum.
  24. It looks like you have the incorrect key "ERROR: Invalid domain for site key" It could also be that you are using a sub-domain on a domain that many others are using.
  25. If you only commented out the config code then that is all that should have to be changed. It looks like you have already done that as your data is showing up on the vaCentral site except for live flights, but it looks like you use smartCars which does not report in a way that allows the flights to be shown on the live map.
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