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Everything posted by simpilot

  1. I bid one dollar for your flight board.
  2. Well since there were crickets I thought I would ask the developer if it was good with him to leave the links up and the response is below. I am removing the links for copyright issues.
  3. Tough to say exactly depending on what modifications you have made. It is basically the latest 934 version with some fixes and additional items including; Simpilotgroup plugins manager FSFK Image Upload Corrections Security Fixes to match ver 935 Fix to Stats class for most popular routes Additional skin folder containing the 960Grid framework You can find a lot of the changes here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS_extended/commits/master
  4. What version is this site running on? Do you get any on screen errors when you are using the "PIREPAdmin" section of the admin side? I see two errors that should point you in a general direction: 1 - ( WHERE `pilotid`= ) looks as though you have PIREPS without a pilot id possibly coming from an ACARS program? You need to look in the database and see if there are pilot id's recorded in all of them or possibly the core file is corrupted. 2 - Query: SELECT value FROM phpvms_settings WHERE name='TOTAL_HOURS' Error: (2006) - MySQL server has gone away This could be either that the script is hanging up and leaving the connection to the sql server open which gets closed after a period of inactivity, or the sql server has more connections than it can handle. In the first case, look at the data your are trying to pull from the database, is it there? Is it something it shouldnt be? Is the field missing entirely? In the second case, it is an issue with the host. Have you reloaded the install folder and run the checkinstall function? Did it show any corrupt files?
  5. I like refering them to the image i want them to see, adding this in your htaccess file will redirect their link to the image you want them to see. RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http(s)?://(www\.)?DOMAINYOUAREBLOCKING.COM [NC] RewriteRule \.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$ PATH/TO/YOUR/IMAGE/FROM/ROOT.png [L] I usually send them to my "I Love Simpilotgroup.com" image for a while then to my "Host Your Own ....... Images" one if they dont get the hint. It looks like you may have put a global block on your site as your sig image is not found as well. The above method is good as it allows legit hotlinks to still work.
  6. I have NO problem with you, or anyone else helping out here in this forum. I would read the license that has come with these templates very closely, I think you will find that redistribution in any form is not allowed. This is how these designers earn a living. It does not matter if you paid for a single site license, or used your work around from your link to get the template for free, the license is still the same I would believe. If you have in fact purchased it, or gotten it for free using your method, and the designer has granted you unlimited rights to redistribution then post the agreement from him and I will sulk away into a corner after I post an apology to you. That way everyone will be covered when they use this template on their site.
  7. Your posts of "free" templates are starting to concern me, and it should be concerning to anyone that is using your work, at least this one anyway. I thought I had seen these designs recently..... 1 - Your profile page looks to be this template: http://themeforest.n...315?ref=eakroko - Purchase Page http://theme.eakroko.de/ease - Demo Your profile page in "profile.png" below for comparison. The template costs $18.00 for a single site use and it is $900.00 for an extended license to allow you to redistribute it, which if you have purchased it please provide it to the community to cover us. 2 - Your main site template looks like this to me to be this template: http://themeforest.n...s-theme/2547689 - Purchase Page http://themeforest.n...preview/2547689 - Demo Your skin frontpage in "frontpage.png" below for comparison. This template is $40.00 for a single site license and I do not believe even has a extended license available. You are setting yourself up for legal issues as well as anyone that was to use this work, in my opinion at least. You are also putting this forum possibly into a situation it does not want to be recognized for.
  8. Change line 392 from LIMIT $limit"; to LIMIT '$limit'";
  9. use action.php instead of index.php - it will be skinless.
  10. There is a bug in the template file that does not correctly show the option as selected. I have updated it and pushed it to GitHub here -> https://github.com/DavidJClark/phpVMS_extended/commit/5d7ed9a2732cdd75a81c1cab7818824fbe6606a1 I have verified that the default group does change in the database, it was only a display issue.
  11. I tried it on a windows based server and the sql query wanted to be difficult but I chnaged the last line of the query from LIMIT '$limit'"; to LIMIT $limit"; With that it works on both playforms I able to test here.
  12. Post your files to pastebin or somewhere - there must be something being left out somewhere, this works on my test install without issue. I also am not sure where this is coming from Fatal error: Call to undefined method Mail::inbox() in /home/vdeltaor/public_html/core/modules/Mail/Mail.php on line 40 The function is in the file -> https://github.com/D...s/Mail/Mail.php <- on line 58 It is the default function that is called when the module does not know what to do with a request which makes me think that you are calling the module with no specific function, which would default to the index function.
  13. Try this -> http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6940-no-input-file-specified/
  14. VACentral does not really share databases with any of the VA's that are members. The member sites post information to VACentral that is then stored in the VACentral database and used to display maps and calculate statistics. I think I am not in the minority here in that allowing another site/server that I do not have control over to have direct access to a database on one of my servers is not going to happen. You could set it up using a rss feed or using xml files and not need access ot a database.
  15. If you have edited the local.config.php file check at the start of it for any white space or characters prior to the opening php tag Incorrect <?php .<?php Correct <?php If the issue is not there check any core php module or data file you have edited prior to the issue in the admin center. I have found the locla.config.php file to be the issue about 90% of the time when I run into this on a site, especially if the file is being edited using the cPanel editor.
  16. I am assuming that you are using the latest version of AirMail - The MailData::getallmail function has no limit parameter. public static function getallmail($pid) { if(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid != $pid){ throw new Exception("This mailbox does not belong to you. If you are accessing this via an Administration module, this feature is still in development"); } $query = "SELECT * FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."airmail` WHERE `who_to`='$pid' AND `deleted_state`='0' AND `receiver_folder`='0' ORDER BY `date` ASC"; $results = DB::get_results($query); $code = DB::errno(); if ($code != 0){ $message = DB::error(); throw new Exception($message, $code); } return $results; } It will have to be updated to include the limit, maybe something like this (using 10 as a default limit); public static function getallmail($pid, $limit = '10') { if(Auth::$userinfo->pilotid != $pid){ throw new Exception("This mailbox does not belong to you. If you are accessing this via an Administration module, this feature is still in development"); } $query = "SELECT * FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."airmail` WHERE `who_to`='$pid' AND `deleted_state`='0' AND `receiver_folder`='0' ORDER BY `date` ASC LIMIT '$limit'"; $results = DB::get_results($query); $code = DB::errno(); if ($code != 0){ $message = DB::error(); throw new Exception($message, $code); } return $results; } You will also have to update the module code to pass the limit parameter; public function GetProfileMail($limit){ $pid = Auth::$userinfo->pilotid; $this->set('mail', MailData::getallmail($pid, $limit)); $this->set('pilotcode', PilotData::GetPilotCode(Auth::$userinfo->code, Auth::$userinfo->pilotid)); $this->show('mail/mail_profile.tpl'); }
  17. There is no option to set this type of function in the current system.
  18. At the end of the app_config.php file is a set of flight type definitions. I have added to these before for clients with success. Copy it and put it in your local_config.php file and try adding the flight types you would like. /** * Constants * Do not modify these! All sorts of weird s*** can happen */ # Set the type of flights we have Config::Set( 'FLIGHT_TYPES', array( 'P'=>'Passenger', 'C'=>'Cargo', 'H'=>'Charter' ) ); you could add your low cost option like this (Just do not remove any of the default types) Config::Set( 'FLIGHT_TYPES', array( 'P'=>'Passenger', 'C'=>'Cargo', 'H'=>'Charter', 'L' => 'LowCost' ) );
  19. Is the new pilot in the database at all?
  20. You may have an older version that has some spots that the database table name is hardcoded in the queries. Check these two files to see if you need to update your version; https://github.com/D...sData.class.php https://github.com/D...Screenshots.php
  21. I have had this issue in the past and it has been due to using relative URL's for the rank images. instead of ./lib/images/ranks/myrank.png try using h ttp://www.mysite.com/lib/images/ranks/myrank.png If this is not the issue try enabling the debug logs and/or running the check install -> http://forum.phpvms....ging-issues-r31
  22. If this is the case, then the code that creates the array for the map will have to be changed. Out of the box only the aircraft registration is in the array from the acars table. You clould join the aircraft information and the use the same method as I outlined above and substitute the aircraft icao for the schedule identifier. Without changing the data array you could also just use the aircraft registration but you would need an image for every registration in your database. ie NA1234SW.png
  23. Working with what is already in the array you really only have the "flightnum" field to work with which already has the "code" and "flightnum" fields combined, ie ABC1234. I was using the first three digits to create a way to differentiate between airlines, this is assuming that he is using the airline icao as the first three digits of the flights for that airline. Without creating some new code to supply the array to the map you are not going to be able to get the airline data, and then it will only be the airline that the pilot belongs to.
  24. If you have set your memory limit as high as "1024M" and still get the error I would say that there are more issues than the phpVMS script. Either the override is not being used by the system, some hosts do not allow local php.ini overrides outside of the server root, the command may be in the wrong place, it is too late in the script to make a difference, or the server has a very low memory capacity. If you are positive that the server is actually giving you that much memory you can start working your way through the functions that are parsed when you update a Pilots Profile on the admin side in the PilotAdmin.php file. I would start with line #158 -> https://github.com/phpVMS/phpVMS/blob/master/admin/modules/PilotAdmin/PilotAdmin.php#L158 - The updatetotalhours is notorious for causing issues for both pilot and airline statistics. Feel free to work on it and create a pull request on GitHub and it will be reviewed and merged in if it is benficial. As far as the group being unprofessional, I do not know what to tell you, we are all volunteers that try to help when we can. I thought twice myself before posting this response figuring I am just going to get a backlash anyway, but I have tried to give you a direction to go per your request.
  25. The table automatically sets the widths for the cells for each new table to what fits best for the current data. You can set some column widths in the template to force them all to be the same. In pilotslist.tpl try something like -> <tr> <th width="10%">Pilot ID</th> <th width="30%">Name</th> <th width="20%">Rank</th> <th width="20%">Flights</th> <th width="20%">Hours</th> </tr>
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