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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Composer is a PHP dependency management utility. https://getcomposer.org You have to run those on your server via SSH.
  2. Hi y'all, sorry, I didn't see this topic till now. Yes, there were some issues during the migration, but they should mostly be resolved by now. There's a cpanel issue ongoing currently between WHMCS (the billing panel) and cpanel which is being looked at. Other than that, there were some nameserver/DNS issues intermittently in Europe and Asia it seems, but I think those have also cleared out now. The next step is the fivedev "rebranding" to vmshost, that'll be happening over the next few weeks, but the hard part of "lift and shift" is done.
  3. Fixed in latest phpvms build. The problem is if the admin email is missing in the settings page in admin. I think I need to add that into the installer
  4. I think I see what happened... I'll have a fix
  5. Yeah the way is a bit more complicated. The easiest will to be create your own stylesheet and include it into the main app template and target those styles to be overriden. Right now it's using now-ui which is a skin on top of bootstrap. That is in `resources/sass/now-ui`, which is SASS files that I build.
  6. This forum is only hidden for testers. It looks like it might be going to "localhost" on your server and it's not configured. Was that error leaking through to the ACARS client?
  7. Did you happen to hit cancel or stop in ACARS? It's an API call
  8. Nabeel

    How to install?

    Sorry I'm having trouble understanding. See if this helps: http://docs.phpvms.net/setup/installation
  9. Is it v7? Need more details than that.
  10. Can you send me the whole dat file? If there are multiple airports in there, I want to make sure I'm parsing them all correctly.
  11. Nabeel

    Another flight

    Can you attach the dat files? I wonder if there's something else that's also in that file format that I'm not parsing correctly.
  12. There will be lookup functionality. But having every single airport loaded up locally isn't a good idea for performance reasons. I'm sure someone will create a complete database that can be imported (the lookup in vacentral is something like 58k airports, you're going to kill your server)
  13. Thanks, I'm looking at these in the other topic
  14. Nabeel

    Another flight

    That Laravel error is unrelated but I fixed it in the latest dev. That error means it can't be found in the scenery lookup. Which airport and is it an addon?
  15. Nabeel

    Another flight

    Those "Cleared UDP Buffer" messages are interesting... do you remember seeing a drop in framerates then? That message means that it was taking it some time to process events and it needed to flush what was queued to catch up.
  16. Nabeel

    Another flight

    When/where you set the parking brake shouldn't really matter, unless you want it to try to detect the gate. I've seen this happen sometimes. I've been refactoring internally a ton because the way I have the navigation internally is a little wonky and I'm seeing some weird behaviors like this. I like the idea of having a "complete flight" button instead of trying to do it automatically, an extra click won't matter.
  17. Ah got it, yeah that is more of a crappy grammar thing. I will take a look at that rule. What aircraft were you using?
  18. Hmm, maybe I should block deleting of airlines if there are assets tied to them
  19. There is a download available with all of the dependencies already installed - check the Downloads section
  20. Sorry, your bulleted notes, are those all working or there were errors with those?
  21. Maybe put a log message to see if it's actually finding it.
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