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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Don't transfer the files, everything needed is already in the public folder. The htaccess in the root actually tries to redirect to public. In short - using the public folder hides all of the files like storage/resources, etc, so they're not exposed to the outside. It's a security thing. Here's a good explanation of the public folder: https://devdojo.com/articles/explaining-the-laravel-public-folder
  2. This sounds good. I actually would change the DocumentRoot to the public folder, so in your case, DocumentRoot "C:/xampp/htdocs/phpvms/public". URLs will work without having the public in the path
  3. What did you do to make it work? I was going to suggest trying out beta 4 because there are a ton of fixes.
  4. You don't need to do that... if you're doing a custom design, it should be in a new skin folder (which it sounds like it is). Otherwise, just copy all the latest files, and run `/update/`. I have to write this in the docs page, but that would roughly be it.
  5. Yep, I wanted to release another beta in part to check the updater... I'm looking into it to see what's happening.
  6. Yep, a lot of testing, some issues end up coming in. Just released another (hopefully last) beta. A ton of issues fixed
  7. Yes, this is the vmsACARS application which will be released with v7
  8. https://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms-7.0.0-dev.tar.gz
  9. Sounds like a php extension might not be installed/enabled. Do you have a screenshot of the first installer page with the requirements? Maybe I'm missing a requirement
  10. Have you run the installer already? Are there already tables in the database? I've seen that happen if the install was aborted or there was an error, and there's stuff left over from the previous install. Try clearing the DB and then reinstalling
  11. Nabeel

    Admin Error

    Yeah this is possible, the permissions of the `storage` folder aren't correct.
  12. Nabeel

    Admin Error

    There is a "Share" button on that page for the error, can you share that link? Thanks
  13. If you're using a subdomain, point the directory to the /public directory - http://docs.phpvms.net/setup/installation/shared-hosts#method-2-subdomain
  14. Looks like it's a parser error with the backticks. Maybe post a bug report for Visual Studio Code or whatever the PHP plugin for syntax highlighting is
  15. Nabeel

    Registration Page

    The easiest way would be to create a hidden field with the airline ID you want. Right now, there aren't custom registration fields, probably something I can add in after release
  16. You changed the role for your own user away from admin? I need to block that from happening...
  17. Looks like the latest install there worked. Sorry about the issues. You can try the latest dev, there's a fully packaged version at the link below. There's a lot of fixes, in the installer too: http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms-7.0.0-dev.tar.gz
  18. Try the latest dev, I think that should be fixed.
  19. Take a look at the container/docker-compose setup that's in the repository (in the dev branch). That might help
  20. Is this with the latest dev version?
  21. .env is env.php file. Are there more logs in the storage/logs folder that are pertinent?
  22. The config looks right, have you looked in the storage/logs/laravel.log file?
  23. Can you try the latest dev? Who's your host?
  24. Nabeel

    Registration Page

    Which fields are you looking to remove? The easiest way would be to replace it with a hidden field in the template
  25. Which version are you using? The latest beta or dev version?
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