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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Just make the same changes but on those pages/forms instead
  2. Your entire page is messed up... you still have Google map stuff in there and haven't included any of the new files. Start with the instructions again and go through it step by step
  3. Look through your CSS and HTML
  4. I was asking about Chrome. And link?
  5. Did you download the zip and extract the lib/js/leaflet files like it said to? The instructions say precisely where to place the CSS and JS lines. Does the map work on the live map page? How about on the PIREP pages? You're saying the front page, but if that's something custom then you'll have to adapt the code for that.
  6. 7 is not released yet. 500 error - you need to look at your server logs. I'm moving this topic, as well.
  7. Looking at publicly traded airline's financial statements would be a good place to start
  8. Sounds like the new update. What browser are you using?
  9. Does it work on Edge? Might be that IE just doesn't support the newer JS (ECMAScript 6) changes. I get a bunch of errors in IE11, but seems to be OK on Edge.
  10. Don't worry about the gitignore file. Can you change your local/app.config.php files, the error reporting lines... change them to remove E_WARNING from them. Maybe there's some other kind of error. If that doesn't show anything, PM me.
  11. That works too. You'd have to contact your host about where the php.ini file is
  12. From what I understand, it's just don't sell your user's data. Just make sure your terms and conditions and privacy policy are clear and up to date. This is a good guide: https://opensource.com/article/18/4/gdpr-impact https://termsfeed.com/blog/gdpr-privacy-policy https://termsfeed.com/blog/gdpr-compliance-plan Since it's just a name and email, and no other personal data, there's limited exposure. However, I'm not a lawyer and haven't run anything by a lawyer, so if you're concerned, I'd probably find an attorney to talk to. I'm looking at impact as well for the newer version of phpVMS. Termsfeed has a privacy policy generator: https://termsfeed.com/wizard/privacy-policy You probably should update your terms of service as well.
  13. Nothing needs to be changed in there. Did you copy the files that are in src to the core/lib/recaptcha directory, or did you put the src directory in there? Does the recaptcha show up on the page? Did you remember to add the require_once in the core/bootstrap.inc.php file? And did you register on the recaptcha site and get your key/secret and enter those into your local.config.php file?
  14. You can also turn on error reporting in the config files and maybe that'll pop up some sort of error. It should work with IE AFAIK, there's nothing special going on there. But I don't use IE so I dunno. I would see if IE has a developer toolbar and see if that is throwing any errors.
  15. But does it work? I wouldn't trust Dreamweaver, it's super old, and if it's giving you an error on that line, it means it doesn't know how to interpret namespaces. Use something like Atom or Visual Studio Code with PHP plugins.
  16. Ah, I didn't know that. Well this is for whoever is on the older one, then
  17. Looks great, I left comments on Github.
  18. There are two topics, for phpVMS legacy, to fix and address these issues:
  19. Translation to what language? Or do you mean moving the language string out from the templates and into the translation files? I had a specific way of doing those so if you can show me what you're doing, I can give you feedback. I wouldn't want you to get through it entirely but it be done in a way that isn't optimal. Also I'd definitely need a pull request for that. Thanks for helping, though! Much appreciated. We can work to get it all merged in.
  20. Hi all, This has gone through a couple of rounds of testing, and seems to be working. The instructions are here: https://gist.github.com/nabeelio/8b7ab29fb67dfe27284d63d7136388dc Make sure to make the changes in the skin that you're currently using. Luckily, changes aren't too bad or complicated.
  21. I wouldn't disable the SSL verification, though maybe for this it doesn't matter. Maybe I can add a setting for it. The airport lookup is also over SSL... I'd figure out why your server has a problem with verifying SSL. In terms of centering, that is on the list of things to be done. For translations, the only way is pull requests via git. Fork it, create a new branch and then create a pull request.
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