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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Split the other changes into a new topic:
  2. You didn't finish all of the changes. Remember to make it in your skin. This set is missing: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2/pull/138/commits/b8d46bbf25195de9d454cb0ca9ed9175631d752a#diff-9367329b11bd160c203f87ad910c86ceR92
  3. You made an error with editing the registration form. Make sure it's correct
  4. You will need to contact your host about that error. You can also try in Registration.php, changing: $recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha(Config::Get('RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY')); to $recaptcha = new \ReCaptcha\ReCaptcha(Config::Get('RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY'), new \ReCaptcha\RequestMethod\CurlPost()); Let me know if that works. If it does, I can change the way the default code is to use that instead.
  5. What exactly is broken? I need more information than that. Any errors? Logs? Try editing the local.config.php and remove the E_WARNING from the error_reporting clause. There might have been an inadvertent error while editing
  6. How do these instructions work out for you? https://gist.github.com/nabeelio/6380e05dbb8ce8c53765f0068f6515e3
  7. With 5.6 and up, I'd probably use https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2 It works on PHP 5.6+, and I'm backporting the recaptcha and google maps fixes into it
  8. I'm using Leaflet with OpenStreetMaps in v7. The conversion should be straight-forward, the instructions might not be
  9. The METAR data should be fixed in the latest dev version. It'll cache the METAR data but it will only try to retrieve it for about 2 seconds.
  10. I'll fix that timeout issue and shorten it to about a second. It's trying to access METAR data for the airport you're at. Do you know what the ICAO is? Can your server reach out to other sites? The URL it's trying to get to is: https://www.aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam?dataSource=metars&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&hoursBeforeNow=3&mostRecent=true&fields=raw_text&stationString=ICAO The nav button where - admin or frontend?
  11. These instructions should work https://gist.github.com/nabeelio/6380e05dbb8ce8c53765f0068f6515e3 Note: Make sure to make the changes in the skin you're currently using.
  12. I'll take a stab at it over the next week or so.
  13. I'm not sure how composer handles Windows, esp with pathing, etc. It's not being designed to run on Windows hosts.
  14. CheckWX is real easy to use. I took a super old PHP parser and updating it to run with the latest PHP: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/blob/master/app/Support/Metar.php This is the original: https://github.com/hsdn/metar-taf
  15. It should be relatively easy to convert it to using open street maps
  16. IPB has a feature called "clubs" - basically subcommunities - https://invisioncommunity.com/news/product-updates/new-clubs-r1017/ Right now, I have this feature disabled, but would this be something VAs would be interested in - being able to create a club within the phpVMS forum to post updates/use as a forum, without having to create your own? Similar to what avsim does, but there's a lot more customization. And maybe only for established VAs, so it doesn't get completely cluttered with one hit wonders. Thoughts?
  17. The new version thing is broken, atm. The dev version is here:
  18. Just one note, the "Version 2" is defaulted to the php70 branch, which makes it compatible with php 5.6+
  19. Correct. It's usually from point A to point B and then point C. A lot of times, it's because the ultimate destination is C, but a stop at B is necessary for refueling, etc. There are some times where passengers who are at B don't need to even disembark the plane if they are going to C
  20. PHP Version isn't the problem. You need to ask your host to increase the amount of memory allowed in the php.ini file
  21. Some sites are not working because of doing on PHP 5.4+. There are some changes that need to be made, luckily pretty simple. If you haven't modified anything, look at: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2. The php70 branch (default, download here: https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms_v2/archive/php70.zip) is updated to support PHP 7+ If you're on the 5.x version, you should be fine. action.php Find ~Line 46: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change to: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT); core/local.config.php Find (~L139): Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change to: Config::Set('ERROR_LEVEL', E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT); admin/action.php Find: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); Change to: error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT); core/common/PilotData.class.php Find (~line 436) public static function saveAvatar($code, $pilotid, $_FILES) Change to: public static function saveAvatar($code, $pilotid, $files) core/classes/CodonModule.class.php Find: public static $post; public static $get; Change to: public $post; public $get; core/classes/Vars.class.php Find: self::$get = new stdClass(); Add under it: self::$request = new stdClass();
  22. If you are looking to be hire, or hire someone to do work for you, general rules that should be followed: Have a written contract - this is a good starting point. This is very important. You must specify the exact scope for the work, and the expectations. The contract can be signed digitally. Pay half up front, and make sure you're paid half up front. Clarify what licenses are required and paid for If there are addons in use, has the author given permission? Have the licenses been paid? COPIES OF THE LICENSES ARE REQUIRED TO BE HANDED OFF The rest should be paid upon delivery Don't be a dick
  23. The system itself doesn't really care (which is why it's called "fleet"). You can add a subfleet for helicopters and add them as such under that. You would include the proper ID codes for them. And in the schedule, just assign it, and put it in the notes for the schedule. Also mark the schedule properly as being a scheduled charter flight, etc.
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