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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Yep, I'm working on it. Right now it is displaying what's reported from the VA. It should be hours: minutes, but I htink some report seconds as well, trying to sort that out. Thanks!
  2. Nabeel


    Do you have some screenshots? Also, can you run install/checkinstall.php and checkdb.php?
  3. I'm slowly rolling out changes. Just did some fixes to the ACARS
  4. You can try IE. Sounds like a script error. Can you run install/checkinstall.php and install/checkdb.php?
  5. Okay, when you load that airports list, using Firefox, if you open the Error Console, clear it, then reload that page, does anything show up in there?
  6. What's the exact error? Sounds like a configuration, hmm
  7. Nabeel


    Are you on the latest 934?
  8. Find this line here: http://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/blob/master/core/classes/Util.class.php#L207 The ob_start(), and comment that out. Also, are you using SMTP?
  9. Is there anything in your core/cache folder?
  10. Config sounds possible. I'm not sure.. it's sent one by one, but all within a span of a second. They all use the same mechanism (Util::SendMail()). Could it be the mail server seeing a huge spike in mail sends, and just not sending it out?
  11. So it says it's been sent? And the number besides the groups, are they > 0 ?
  12. Might be a silly question, but are you selecting the groups to send to?
  13. Hi, Can you please run install/checkinstall.php and install/checkdb.php? Thanks
  14. Hi, Looks like the cache didn't refresh - under Site & Settings, Maintenance options, click "refresh cache". That should hopefully do the trick!
  15. What's the problem? Since you don't have that module, you shouldn't be getting the error that's here
  16. This is one of the things on my list, it'll be an XML export which you can then display
  17. For bbcode, one avenue is a bbcode parsing plugin. http://www.christian-seiler.de/projekte/php/bbcode/index_en.html That also has links to other parses. It should be relatively trivial to include it (create a folder in core/lib where external libraries live, and then include it in the module). PECL has a BB code parser but I wouldn't rely on PEAR/PECL being available on all servers
  18. You can disable that in the template, schedule_results.tpl
  19. Are you registering on http://www.vacentral.net? I just added an airline now, no problem
  20. Nabeel


    Can you paste the template into pastebin.org and put the link here? Thanks
  21. Nabeel


    To get the hour/minute you can do: <?php $time = explode(':', $schedule->deptime); $hour = $time[0]; $minute = $time[1]; Something like that should work
  22. Nabeel


    I'm a bit lost...
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