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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. This should be flipped: <td valign="top"><?php echo $current_location.'-'.$current_location2; ?></td> <?php $params = (array('a.registration'=>$aircraft->registration, 'p.accepted'=>PIREP_ACCEPTED)); $pirep = PIREPData::findPIREPS($params); $current_location = $pirep[0]->arricao; $current_location2 = $pirep[0]->arrname; ?> To <?php $params = (array('a.registration'=>$aircraft->registration, 'p.accepted'=>PIREP_ACCEPTED)); $pirep = PIREPData::findPIREPS($params); $current_location = $pirep[0]->arricao; $current_location2 = $pirep[0]->arrname; ?> <td valign="top"><?php echo $current_location.'-'.$current_location2; ?></td> Otherwise it's looking at the previous iteration
  2. Can you send me the logs? nabeel at nsslive dot net
  3. Some are incorrect, I haven't had the time to fix it yet
  4. Can you zip up the template and email it to me? nabeel at nsslive dot net. I'll take a look to see, I'm sure there's something cooky I did
  5. Sounds like some files weren't updated, since that column was removed. Can you run install/checkinstall.php?
  6. It's not a problem. Exactly what page were you having a problem on? Just a single drop down?
  7. Right, there's no hyphen in the DB_CHARSET_NAME. That one's fine. I wouldn't mess with that one at all. The PAGE_ENCODING you can override in local.config but as long as that's correct... for greek it might not be UTF-8, maybe you have to use a latin charset? I'm not sure TBH
  8. Depends, which pilots disappeared? Did they get marked retired?
  9. Nabeel

    Fatal error

    Means your database has too many connections - that's a problem with your host.
  10. I'd ignore the first two - those are just the default settings which get overridden. What's the lookup.php page?
  11. Are your expenses per-flight?
  12. Is there a character encoding meta tag in your template?
  13. Sorry, can't do free at the moment. PM me though, maybe I can work you out a discount
  14. I don't know of any 'good' free hosts.. they all have tons of problems. If you search around the forums you'll see nearly everyone who uses/has used a free host has had problems... you get what you pay for in the end...
  15. Nothing from 930, there was a change made in the main 2.1 release for 924 I believe, which just instructs MySQL to accept different charsets. But no other changes having to do with that. Maybe your browser's charset changed?
  16. Nabeel


    Re-upload the files for 934. It says you're on 933 (according to checkinstall). Otherwise, maybe you just missed uploading the core/version file
  17. Free host - that's your problem. I can't access it either.
  18. Yeah, I'm aware, just haven't gotten to fixing it just yet
  19. I remember hearing United was equipping their fleet, but I'm not sure if it was active. The provider is Gogo http://www.gogoinflight.com
  20. Where? Need some more details
  21. I don't really see it...
  22. Nabeel


    Run install/checkinstall.php and install/checkdb.php and post what's outputted
  23. Is there anything in the expenselog table?
  24. There's an addon in the addon forum for this
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