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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. That's strange. Try emptying the acars table (there's a link under maintenance options), and then starting a new flight
  2. Yeah, I'm going to look at that today. Can you PM me the admin login again.. sry
  3. Can you try re-uploading the lib/js folder? What browser versions are you on, does it error in different versions?
  4. What do you get when you run install/checkinstall.php and install/checkdb.php?
  5. Tried duplicating on my dev site, couldn't. What character set are you using?
  6. Weird, are you upgrading from the released version? Or did you install a beta at first and are upgrading from that
  7. Almost, this seems to be it. I'm going to be testing a few other things in detail tomorrow, hopefully give it a go Sunday
  8. Strange. On the default skin it's there?
  9. It's the same as always, but I added it
  10. Fixed the following issues VMS-255 Pages getting duplicated in navbar VMS-256 Schedule Search VMS-254 Schedules shown offset one column VMS-253 UTF-8 Database call VMS-257 When visiting a page, the nav bar items double Download from here
  11. VMS-253 VMS-254 VMS-255 VMS-256 VMS-257 #resolve fixed View more details, download from here
  12. If you do that, you still have to do what simpilot said to be able to actually change the rank
  13. Yep, I just have to make sure this won't adversely affect other hosts who do not have any other setting or are strictly western/latin table types
  14. Just a note, this has been fixed on the latest build
  15. I've added it to the bug tracker, to look into: http://bugs.phpvms.net/browse/VMS-253
  16. You'd have to find the query, I don't remember it off the top of my head but it' would be something like: // This query might need some work, something like this though $where = array("DATE_SUB(NOW(), 'INTERVAL 60 MINUTE') <= s.deptime"); $schedules_list = SchedulesData::findSchedules($where); And that will return the list. The documentation has the details on how to then loop through $schedules_list
  17. I will look, I promise! But I appreciate you alerting me to issues
  18. So you mean it's calling both? That's not right.. well if it's in the skin's folder, it should only be calling that one. Does it display properly on the stock one?
  19. What's in the core_navigation.tpl? Can you pastebin it? Just so I can duplicate it
  20. The yesterday's score is just that... it's not additive. Joeri is right, you'll need at least 3/4 flights maybe depending on your previous trend to keep the score from going down. The score isn't additive, it's basically based on a rolling average which is logarithmically scaled according to the other factors. I will look, it's on my list, but it won't be until next week at the soonest I think. I'm a bit slammed with moving the bug tracker over (the old one just got hit with a spam attack, had to clean it), and also with 2.1 being released this weekend. Actually, if you're averaging now 4 flights a day and it levels down to about 2 flights a day, you will lose some points because that average is decreasing. But since it's rolling, it might be by a few points (max). If you go from something like 3 flights a day to 10 (40 day rolling average), then you will see an increase. But increases for only a few days here and there don't account for much unless they are sustained. That's where it account for the overall activity. So you can't do a week of 10-15 flights a day and then 5-6 flights a day. But in the end, you can do something like ((flights in the last 40 days / 40) * some variable weight) to give you the score I'm planning to also have more stats per airline with the rolling averages and some detailed information about that so then points esp are a bit easier to see how they come. But I've just been getting slammed these last few weeks.
  21. Strange, I don't see that happening on dev. Whats your code for that?
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