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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I'm not sure what you mean by won't be checked?
  2. Alex: http://docs.phpvms.net/skinning#creating_skins http://docs.phpvms.net/skinning#editing_templates
  3. Have them log out, clear their cookies, and then log back in and try it
  4. Can you can http://www.fcc.gov/mb/audio/bickel/DDDMMSS-decimal.html to convert it
  5. Hey there, You have to use the decimal format of the coordinate
  6. Your export format might be wrong, make sure it's a comma separated file. I always do an export from/work with Google Docs, so maybe trying that?
  7. I'll add an option in app.config and stuff for disabled pilot, would that help? The problem with deleting pilots - it will delete their PIREPs too, the reason being there will be orphaned entries in the tables, and my queries join tables tables on things like the pilotid and the airline, aircraft, etc - if you remove a pilot and there are orphaned entries, these queries don't make sense anymore. I can see how it makes sense if you delete a pilot, their pireps shouldn't be removed, since in real life, you fire a pilot, their flights don't magically disappear. I'll take a look at this and see if it can easily be done (I suspect it's just changing my query from an INNER JOIN to a LEFT JOIN, which it might be already...) As for pilot search, do you mean filter, or programmatically? There is a PilotData::findPilots() function, but I guess you mean a filter, which I can add in...
  8. I was wondering that myself, I can add an option to force pax/load, that's not too much of an issue. But I guess in the case of FSPax where it adds it automatically. That actually seems like a bug that if it's empty, it fills nothing out... I've added that to the bug tracker for now. But the other part - an admin can edit it before it's accepted, and it doesn't count in the finances until it has been submitted
  9. Breadcrumbs sound interesting. I will see about having the save goto the same page, I think there were some logistical issues with that
  10. Just the distance was wrong? Try with the latest build, it's using a much more accurate formula now for the distance remaining
  11. Revision 870: schedule distance fixes, removed debugging texts29 January 2010, 4:36 pmschedule distance fixes, removed debugging textsSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  12. If you search, there's been a few topics about this
  13. Look on that page, it will show what's returned there
  14. You forgot the semi colon at the end of the DB::debug(); line
  15. After $this->set('allpilots', PilotData::findPilots(array('p.airline'=>$airline->code))); put a DB::debug(), and show what that says
  16. You can't access it directly like that, it has to be called from somewhere (Template::Show('fleet_table.tpl'))
  17. This topic has been moved to Releases. [iurl]http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=2091.0[/iurl]
  18. Just a suggestion - if you are naming them all consistent (like, blt[FLIGHT_NUMBER].pln), you can just create a link like: echo fileurl('/download/blt'.$schedule->flightnum.'.pln'); Which would echo out the link to that - that way it just depends on the flight number, and wherever it's placed - no need to manually change all that. And the code you're changing SchedulesData has completely changed as of the next version (you pass the column names which need updating from the Operations class)
  19. Looking at your page-source, they're all the old templates
  20. Do p.airline (it might be case senstive). What's in your template? And what's it showing now?
  21. Well, if you can export your pireps table for me. If you're having problems but other people aren't, I need to see what's going on so I can have a stable release.
  22. Maps you have to update the templates - read the changelog. Finances, well, did you do a pirep reset? The backend changed completely in this so they should be more accurate now. If you look at the pirep table, is there 'stuff' in the gross column (should have been automatically populated), does it equal the load * price? Are you expenses accurate? Check those things out
  23. In the pirep table. Edit: Oh, you're looking at schedules, you'll have to do something like this: SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(flighttime))) I have to add the flighttime_stamp column to that table.
  24. http://docs.phpvms.net/users#groups
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