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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hm, doesn't seem like it. <script src="http://www.flyaka.com/lib/js/dropdown.js"></script> <script src="http://www.flyaka.com/lib/js/jqModal.js"></script> Should be below the <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.flyaka.com/lib/js/jquery-front.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.flyaka.com/lib/js/phpvms.js"></script> Lines at least
  2. Hmm, that column is deprecated. It's odd it's throwing an error. What version are you on?
  3. Can you enable DEBUG_MODE (set it to true) in local.config.php, and set /core/logs/log.txt to writeable. Then try adding it again, and attach the log here, thanks
  4. You have script errors on your page: Try a few things - update to the latest core_htmlhead.tpl file, there were some changes. And put your changes below everything else in the template. All your stuff should be particularly be below this line: <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo fileurl('lib/js/phpvms.js');?>"></script> Give that a shot
  5. Yeah I'm not sure why that's happening, seems like a casting error, I'm looking into it but it shouldn't matter I think
  6. Well, you can code it to add it in using the steps I gave above. Feature request, add it into the feature request thread. I'll consider it
  7. Can you PM me your ftp info? Also, which PHP version are you running? And mysql?
  8. Ok, empty the local.config.php file again. Then, make this file writeable: D:vhostssimaviators.co.ukhttpdocsphpvms/core/logs/log.txt Then try running the install again. Also, which version of mysql and php are you running?
  9. Ah ok. Blank the file completely (no spaces or anything), and then start the install
  10. Try clearing the ACARS table with the option in maintenance options
  11. Nabeel


    They might have been doing something funky with the image
  12. You're talking about the gauge I guess? I'm not sure about that, you'd probably have to direct it to the FSFK guys
  13. Can you setup an ID for us to check with on your site?
  14. What should they be? It's puts on there whatever is passed from the acars client
  15. What do you get when you run: /install/checkinstall.php And, if your core/local.config.php file blank and a file size of 0 and writeable?
  16. Well, your question is pretty involving. There's code samples all over but here's what you have to do: 1. start out in schedule_results.tpl 2. see if there's a bid for the current flight 3 . if there is, check if the registration of the bid matches the aircraft of the current flight I'm a bit too busy atm to really look into it any more than that
  17. Nabeel


    How did you create that image? What if you create a different one
  18. Nabeel


    Sorry, forgot about this. It seemed to work for me. Can you try a different image?
  19. Because in: Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_SERVER', 'ftp://server72.hosting2go.nl/subdomains/va/httpdocs/lib/fsfk'); You have to put the path to the lib/fsfk folder after the ftp server. So if you FTP to your server, and you start in the home folder, then inside that you have public_html, and inside that it's phpvms and then lib/fsfk you put ftp://my.ftp.server.com/public_html/phpvms/lib/fsfk
  20. Ok so you need to install. Did you reupload the files?
  21. You can make them manual, check the app.config.php for the setting. But there's nothing with an alert right now. It's a good idea.
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