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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Look at the first sticky in this forum Update to fix coming tonight
  2. Are you copying the code from the default template?
  3. Nabeel


    When editing a schedule? Are the coordinates correct for the airports?
  4. http://docs.phpvms.net/installation#updates
  5. Re-download the release and then re-upload, there's no line in the app which has that
  6. Sounds good, the sig fix I will have either tonight or tomorrow in the update, going to fix a few other issues which were found as well
  7. App.config.php, copy it into local.config.php I think its PILOT_AUTO_RETIRE, something like that
  8. Ok in app.config copy this setting SIGNATURE_USE_CUSTOM_FONT And set it to false. Your server doesn't support it. I'll add a check into the code though, thanks
  9. You mean API differences? There's mainly the changelog and http://docs.phpvms.net/2.0_upgrade_guide
  10. Well, if you can use firebug to mess with it, I can't look at it in complete detail at the moment, sorry. I'll see if I get a chance to later on. It takes a little while to get used to it
  11. Hey, sorry, couldn't get back to you before. By parent container, the schedules are in a div (that table). That div probably needs a float property. I would download Firebug (look in the downloads page), and use it to mess around with the styles. It's a more interactive way of working with fixing things. Check out this tutorial on how to use it: http://www.webmonkey.com/tutorial/Build_Better_Pages_With_Firebug
  12. Hey, check the core/local.config.php file, it's the SITE_URL parameter
  13. Check your firefox error console, that seems like there's a script error there
  14. I'll fix it in the update for tonight. A few other issues have come up as well
  15. Hmm did you change the font-settings? Or is it all the default?
  16. Have you tried reuploading that file?
  17. Thanks guys. There might be another small update over the weekend for some issues which have been found. Nothing major, though
  18. Hey no problem, it should be http://toronto-virtual-atc.com/install/update.php What folder did you upload it?
  19. Hey, try clearing your cookies and cache, and then in phpmyadmin clear the sessions table
  20. And also, can you in app.config.php set DEBUG_MODE to true, and then send me the xacars.txt and the log.txt files, maybe there's some errors
  21. That's really odd. Can you export the contents of the acarsdata table actually so I can take a peek, I had another report of that but I couldn't duplicate it. You can email it to me (phpmyadmin has an export,)
  22. If you already have phpVMS installed it should overwrite all the existing files
  23. That's strange. I had fixed that. Can you try emptying the acarsdata table in phpMyAdmin and see if that helps? So it shows the correct data, and then it reverts to an old entry?
  24. Nabeel

    Nav Bar

    Yep that looks like a CSS issue
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