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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Replaced them with what?
  2. Hey there, What version of phpVMS? Also what PHP version and MySQL version? Thanks!
  3. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    You haven't fixed those javascript errors on your site. Until those are fixed, nothing will work: $ is not defined http://www.flymapleair.com/index.php/ Line 47 $ is not defined http://www.flymapleair.com/index.php/acars Line 80
  4. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Sign up for the dev site (http://dev.phpvms.net), and do a quick flight against that, Thanks
  5. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    That's an FSACARS error, nothing to do with phpVMS. I'll take a look later in the evening when I have time, thanks
  6. Nope, there is an install.sql but install.php will run it, since there is stuff in there which has be be filled in by the installer. You can send them that first page of the installer where they enter the DB info and the check database connection, to show them the error
  7. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    His issue is different (see above). Your issue is that your HTML and Javascript are all out of wack. I don't have time right now to find that thread (it's 130am, I have to be up in a few hours), but there is a thread where I showed you what to fix, and you got it working
  8. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Simon, this is your issue: http://vvair.volovirtuale.com//action.php/acars/data Your host must have an old version of PHP installed (< 5.2.0), ask them to upgrade, since they're really behind (phpVMS requires 5.2+ - http://docs.phpvms.net/installation#requirements)
  9. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Your site has the same problem as before - you have code outside of the HTML tags, and javascript placed improperly. Refer to the other posts we had last time fixing this, that will take care of your problems.
  10. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Did you enable ACARS_DEBUG?
  11. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Yup, and the acars.txt, thanks
  12. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Can you turn DEBUG_MODE and ACARS_DEBUG both to true in the local.config, do a flight, and then send me the log?
  13. What's the code you put in?
  14. Some hosts are really incompetent. DirectNIC doesn't look like LAMP hosting is their specialty, so if you're not in a contract, it might be less of a headache just to go with a different host, could save you alot of trouble down the line (shamless plug: http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=669.0 ;D ) A non-localhost database, they would basically give you the address to enter. Usually it's an IP address which the web-server can access (the database server is on a different box than the web-server)
  15. Shoot them an email, 99% of the time I've seen this, it's a host error
  16. Hey, Welcome to the site... hopefully you'll have better luck. About that error, who's your host? I would contact them, that's usually a misconfiguration on their end, which they need to fix, or you have to specify a certain host to connect to (that's not "localhost"), but I would start with contacting them first. Are you on bluehost, by any chance? Someone else also had this error, after a bluehost did an upgrade
  17. Nope thanks. Just the airports you used, I'll check the country thing
  18. Can you turn DEBUG_LOG on and then try, see if there's an error in the log? Thanks
  19. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    You'll have to link me to your pages. You have to update your template that has changes with the default template to include the changes from there
  20. More fuel pricing fixes, added accept/reject button within edit pirep, schedules pagination, pilots can add comments to pireps from pirep list in pilot center, admins can delete comments. Also aircraft stats
  21. Revision 815: fixed #70, fixed #79, fixed #80, fixed #81, fixed #78 fixed #72, fixed #449 December 2009, 2:12 pmfixed #70, fixed #79, fixed #80, fixed #81, fixed #78 fixed #72, fixed #44Source: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip
  22. Yeah, I was hoping someone would be able to check it out for me if they've fixed those issues for their own site, I'm bogged down. Cool site, though, thanks
  23. Nabeel

    Acars Map

    Did you make the changes to the template from 700 to the beta?
  24. That's only if it's a manual PIREP. If they enter different in any acars, it will use that
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