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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Sure, send the file, but only the PIREP hours, not including the transfer.
  2. The hours are calculated correctly in this version, so then that means you have the right hours now. Is the include_transfer_in_ranks set to true?
  3. Revision 786: fixed #2, fixed #3, triggers and recalc-hours2 November 2009, 5:31 pmfixed #2, fixed #3, triggers and recalc-hoursSource: Revisions of /Download from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  4. Did you install 785 from scratch initially, or an upgrade?
  5. In local.config set the transfer hour options to true, then recalculate
  6. Are you including transfer hours? Try in maintenance options the "recalculate hours" option
  7. What if you add or remove the www. from in front? If this is production, it might be good to goto the release 700 build, instead of jumping to beta directly.
  8. It's an option now, if you look in app.config And the first one, I'm not sure if I allowed saving of the 'source' column. I'll check. But can you turn DEBUG_MODE on, empty the log.txt, and try saving again, if there's an SQL error it'll show up there
  9. Can you paste it in? If it's showing the full site, I'm wondering if it's pointing to index.php instead of action.php
  10. In phpMyAdmin, can you do an export of the sessions table? Just the structure.
  11. Did you install it from scratch? Or an upgrade from an old version? What do you mean redirect? Need some more details... vaCentral trials are closed for now.
  12. What's happening in ForumRegistrationData::register_user();? You probably don't need a separate data class. The data classes should be used if you're sharing common code. Is there an echo coming out? You probably also need some way to test events without having to registering a user every time. I'll cook that up as well. http://bugs.phpvms.net/ticket/2
  13. Alrighty, zip should be working. You would think they'd include the zip package by default on Ubuntu. Oh well.
  14. I've setup trac for bug reports: http://bugs.phpvms.net/ This way I can keep better trac(k, heh) of issues, since it plugs directly into SVN. THANKS!!
  15. What's in the FSACARS config file? Is this on beta?
  16. The next, sorry. The build log is a bit behind because of the move.
  17. Sounds like a bug on my end, you are registering the events, right?
  18. Nabeel

    Beta Bugs

    Can you make a new thread please
  19. Hmm, looks like some issues on the build side. Let me look into it
  20. That wouldn't really have an appreciable affect, but it might be good for just having it work that way
  21. Rev 785 - Flight num fix, auto-retire, registration email1 November 2009, 9:44 amRev 785 - nabeel (13 file(s) modified)Flight num fix, auto-retire, registration email~ /trunk/admin/templates/core_htmlhead.tpl~ /trunk/core/common/Auth.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/PilotData.class.php~ /trunk/core/logs/log.txt~ /trunk/core/modules/PIREPS/PIREPS.php~ /trunk/core/modules/Registration/Registration.php~ /trunk/core/templates/schedule_details.tpl~ /trunk/install/update.php~ /trunk/lib/js/jqModal.js~ /trunk/lib/js/jquery-admin.js~ /trunk/lib/js/jquery-front.js~ /trunk/lib/rss/latestpilots.rss~ /trunk/lib/skins/crystal/header.tplSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  22. It means fsacars own database, check out http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=795.0 Or try deleting fsacar's files completely, and reinstaling from scratch
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