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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Hmm yeah that's not right.. lol What version?
  2. Bunch of other small fixes too but I don't remember what
  3. Rev 779 - Added phpVMS API server for airport lookup, XML code cleanup25 October 2009, 7:32 pmRev 779 - nabeel (13 file(s) modified)Added phpVMS API server for airport lookup, XML code cleanup~ /trunk/admin/lib/phpvmsadmin.js~ /trunk/admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php~ /trunk/admin/templates/core_htmlhead.tpl~ /trunk/changelog.htm~ /trunk/core/app.config.php~ /trunk/core/common/Auth.class.php~ /trunk/core/common/StatsData.class.php~ /trunk/core/logs/acars.txt~ /trunk/core/logs/log.txt~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/xacars.php~ /trunk/core/modules/XML/XML.php~ /trunk/core/templates/pirep_new.tpl~ /trunk/install/update.sqlSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net (phpvms.beta.zip)
  4. I can't find FSCopilot to download. I remember using that a while ago, but it seems their site is down. I found the Pushback gauge though, tried it out. Kinda nice, but annoying to have to add it to whatever aircraft I use (which is alot...). But I added it into the LDS, I like the taxi speed setting
  5. Thanks Jan. Issue 1 - xacars only does lbs I think, or whatever is reported from FS. As for fsacars, I'm sure I'm missing a few conversions in there. I will take a look. Issue 2 - I'd check your error logs and see what that server 500 error is. Sounds like PHP or Apache crashing, or some real bad error Issue 3 - There was a few fixes for that a build or two back. Which permissions did you apply for him, the "FULL_ADMIN" permission?
  6. Mine is tracking http://dev.phpvms.net/index.php/acars I'll check out your log, thanks
  7. Anyone know of any good pushback utilities? Where you can set the angle and distance, perhaps multiple segments of a pushback?
  8. Yep, it automatically gets calculated after a PIREP.
  9. Well there's an inactive pilots group, or remove them from the active pilot's group. I haven't though much about that hmm
  10. Can you enable DEBUG_MODE in local.config.php Then make sure /core/logs/acars.txt and log.txt is writeable Send those to me after a flight
  11. This is on the latest beta? Register on http://dev.phpvms.net, I'll give you admin access. See if you can duplicate it there (I'm sure you can, it's just a matter of the right steps)
  12. I will check. I'm wrestling with FSX now setting it up, so might be a few. And nope, it doesn't. If everyone sends the request to the xacars author, perhaps he'll include it..
  13. You can check the $pilot->active field, or the $pilot->retired. Try print_r($pilot) to see the fields. How is it sorted now? I don't remember
  14. I just saw I had some uncommited updates to the API server, give it a shot now
  15. I'll check it out, just installed FS and all that right now
  16. That's weird... In local.config, is this set to true? Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', true); I added the same ranks as you and set that to true. I edited my profile and added 100 hours. It didn't update the profile page right away (not an easy bug to fix...) but when I refreshed it, the new rank did show up.
  17. Oh good, I didn't touch anything haha. It was probably permissions then it seems since they get reset nightly automatically.. hmm
  18. The default "File PIREP" form does show the registration in the dropdown. You might have an older version, if you can check the default pirep_new.tpl, you can copy the two lines over.
  19. If you're updating then run the install/update.php. I think the installer is futz, I have to fix that. For now, betas are only updates (my bad, I should have mentioned that). I will check that tomorrow morning.
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