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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Did you add the above code in, to show the image? And for the images link, are you using the full http://... ?
  2. So what you have to do is create a file called local.config.php in the core folder. Make sure it's blank (no spaces or anything). To make a folder writeable, I'm not sure how you would do it in WebFTP, but you have to set the permissions to 777 or 775 (depending on your host). I would use WinSCP or Filezilla to access by FTP and upload files that way. If you search it, there's a thread which explains exactly how to do it
  3. I've fixed this bug in the source, it'll be in the next beta/release. Not sure why it happened in the first place, but for now just edit the ICAO in phpMyAdmin and you should be set. Sorry!
  4. I'm ready to take a few more airlines in. Requirements: At least a few PIREPs a day, with ACARS flights Using financials Willing to update to latest betas when it calls for it Other than that, it's pretty hands off and automatic. You just have to add a few lines into your local.config
  5. Is the CSV file helping you out with that import?
  6. The first one means there was no flight done (1969 is the date for a zero-value)
  7. I was trying to duplicate this last night, but seemed to be going fine. Can you attach your config file? Or PM it to me?
  8. That's weird. Try editing it through phpMyAdmin
  9. Try recreating the database. For that, all you should need is to set a name, username, and password. The installer will do the rest. Try also deleting all the files, and re-uploading from scratch
  10. Yup, but try not to rely on that for obscure airports, and I'd add in the major ones at least. The script could hang up depending on your script execution time, but since it will overwrite existing schedules, you can keep mashing F5 until it finishes. The other is an interesting problem. I will have to research that. Thanks!
  11. Rev 733 - XAcars bug fix30 July 2009, 12:27 pmRev 733 - nabeel (1 file(s) modified)XAcars bug fix~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/xacars.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  12. Don't copy it into every .tpl file, just include it into your header/footer.tpl So in header.tpl add <div id="page"> <!-- #columns: holds the columns of the page --> <div id="columns" class="widthPad"> <!-- Left column --> <div class="floatLeft width73"> Then in footer, add the corresponding 'end' peices you need. I do it as Jake does it, I've starting using 960.gs for all that
  13. If you're gonna go that way, change your header.tpl to be just this line: <html> <head> <?php Template::Show('core_htmlhead.tpl'); ?> </head> <body> <?php Template::Show('core_htmlreq.tpl'); ?> And in footer.tpl </body> </html> That way you won't have a repeat header, and it will have all the elements it needs to work
  14. Nabeel

    Skinning fore less

    Very nice, you can post this into General Discussion as well
  15. Nabeel

    image problems

    Whichever way you want. If you have skin-specific images, it's probably good to put them inside that skin folder. But images you would use all over, put them in the base directory. Either way is fine. Try doing it into the base directory and work from there
  16. Math was never my strong suit. I used an algorithm I found, but seems like that's causin probs. Any ideas on a good one to use?
  17. Great. What were you using on local server?
  18. What's it not working in? It's a CSS issue then
  19. Nabeel

    CSS error

    You'll have to integrate it into the core_navigation.tpl, similiar to the way the LIs are organized now
  20. Rev 732 - XAcars config mis-named, fixed28 July 2009, 12:34 pmRev 732 - nabeel (2 file(s) modified)XAcars config mis-named, fixed~ /trunk/core/common/AircraftStats.class.php~ /trunk/core/modules/ACARS/ACARS.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  21. Look at the functions in StatsData:: http://docs.phpvms.net/api/ I will add some more for the next release. Do you know php/sql?
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