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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. I would not use iframes, instead just skin both the sites to look the same. There's a few examples of bridges/how to do one, that would be the best way of going about that
  2. Nabeel

    route map

    Check this thread http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=902.new
  3. Sorry, been hectic. Use this: MainController::Run("RouteMap", "ShowMap", SchedulesData::GetSchedules());
  4. The %20 is the entity representation of a space. Don't use spaces in any file or folder names, and do lower case only. If you need a separator, instead of a space, use an underscore
  5. Reinstall FSACARS completely, delete the folder, and reinstall, and then try it
  6. Look in the templates folder (core/templates), it starts with email_
  7. Nabeel

    route map

    It also seems like you're missing the closing bracket for the foreach() Also, PLEASE indent!! After every { there should be an indent, you'll spot errors real fast: $shownroutes = array(); $centerlat = 0; $centerlong = 0; # Create map foreach($allschedules as $schedule) { $route = $schedule->depicao.$schedule->arricao; if(in_array($route, $shownroutes)) { continue; } else { $shownroutes[] = $route; } }
  8. You're on a windows server? I think it's a configuration error. Can you email them about it?
  9. It might be shifting left if you're missing template includes - check docs.phpvms.net/skinning, there are pieces you need. As for the schedules, you don't use the aircraft name, it's the registration
  10. That's weird. What are you using for sending emails?
  11. It hasn't been integrated yet, and it doesn't support acars messages to the client
  12. Replace $get_uinfo = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots WHERE firstname='".$fname."' AND lastname='".$lname."' AND email='".$email."'"); echo "Result Select: ".mysql_error()."<br>"; $uinfo = mysql_fetch_array( $get_uinfo ); with: $uinfo = PilotData::GetPilotByEmail($email); And replace: $str = $uinfo['pilotid']; $pilot_id = str_pad ($str,4,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT); With $pilot_id = PilotData::GetPilotCode($uinfo->code, $uinfo->pilotid); And then: $pilot_id = "{$uinfo->firstname} {$uinfo->lastname} {$pilot_id}"; Enclose { } around variables, and you can move things around. This way it's using the proper API functions
  13. No, it's the Google API Key. If it's not working, you haven't entered your URL correctly when getting the key. Follow their directions properly on the domain name, it's a big tricky
  14. You need to get a Google API key and set that in your admin panel settings
  15. The format is a standard format, I use a third party class to do it, so the error isn't there. Have you tried sending the email to a different account and viewing it there? It could be the email client which is messing it up as well
  16. Try upgrading to the latest released version, 1.3.700
  17. It's a multi-part email, your email daemon on your server might not be setup correctly
  18. What version are you using?
  19. Give that a shot and see if it works, that way we can pinpoint the cause
  20. I mean like something installed on your server, like phpbb or some other forum software
  21. use http and a space before the />
  22. Does sending mail work on your server otherwise, with other apps?
  23. I wouldn't put it in the head, instead put it in your stylesheet
  24. http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=813.0
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