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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Nabeel


    Hey, I'd check code snippets and search, I am pretty sure something's been posted for that
  2. Need more detail - any errors? What's showing up? Hard to look at a mass of code and see what's wrongq
  3. Heyy Do a search on both of those - for schedules by day, that's just a setting in the config file. For the other, do a search/check code snippets. It's been posted a few times
  4. Changed Files: m core/bootstrap.inc.php m core/classes/Debug.class.php m core/codon.config.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml error logging to file when debug true View complete changes Download from here
  5. Old, but just been fixed upstream, thanks
  6. Changed Files: m core/common/NavData.class.php close #2 remove DCT from navdata string View complete changes Download from here
  7. That show from the last PIREP code is incorrect. I just found that out moving the code around yesterday.... woops. This line here: if($route->aircraftlevel > Auth::$userinfo->ranklevel) Should be: if($route[0]->aircraftlevel > Auth::$userinfo->ranklevel)
  8. I'd do what Jeff said - it could also be running out of memory, or just timing out. In that RegistrationData file, on top adding a error_reporting(E_ALL) and ini_set('display_errors', 'on') might yield some errors. You can disable caching in app.config (it's disabled by default now for the next release) Also, Mark, if you can give me access to the server and page, I can try to take a look
  9. Just ran a blanket converter to follow the Zend Coding Standard, it's no actual code changes, just the formatting
  10. In your app.config.php, can you set: ERROR_LEVEL to E^ALL Also, can you dupe it on a standalone page?
  11. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml recalc distance on reverse route View complete changes Download from here
  12. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php m install/hashlist create reverse route from existing schedule View complete changes Download from here
  13. Enable the debug log, see if any errors show up there? Have you tried the checkdb/checkinstall scripts?
  14. Changed Files: m core/common/ACARSData.class.php m core/common/AircraftStats.class.php m core/common/Auth.class.php m core/common/AwardsData.class.php m core/common/CentralData.class.php m core/common/ChartGraph.class.php m core/common/Countries.class.php m core/common/CronData.class.php m core/common/DownloadData.class.php m core/common/FinanceData.class.php m core/common/FuelData.class.php m core/common/GoogleChart.class.php m core/common/LogData.class.php m core/common/MaintenanceData.class.php m core/common/NavData.class.php m core/common/OFCharts.class.php m core/common/OperationsData.class.php m core/common/PIREPData.class.php m core/common/PilotData.class.php m core/common/PilotGroups.class.php m core/common/RSSFeed.class.php m core/common/RanksData.class.php m core/common/RegistrationData.class.php m core/common/SchedulesData.class.php m core/common/SettingsData.class.php m core/common/SiteData.class.php m core/common/StatsData.class.php m core/common/UserGroups.class.php m core/common/jqgrid.class.php code formatting View complete changes Download from here
  15. Changed Files: m admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php m admin/templates/pilots_details.tpl m core/common/PilotData.class.php close #9 when reset pilot pay only look for accepted pireps View complete changes Download from here
  16. Nabeel

    change ID

    Ah ok, then it's all good. I've just never done it personally, so wasn't sure how it would handle it
  17. Changed Files: m core/modules/Schedules/Schedules.php added airline filter to search View complete changes Download from here
  18. Changed Files: m core/modules/Schedules/Schedules.php m core/templates/schedule_searchform.tpl m core/version m install/hashlist m install/structure.xml added airline filter to search View complete changes Download from here
  19. Thanks, I've added that portion. If you get those other things working, let me know, I will add them in. If you want to use Git, you can just submit a pull request, that'll be faster
  20. url_fopen is disabled, you should use CURL instead, or CodonWebService I can enable url_fopen, I have to see first
  21. Nabeel

    change ID

    I'm not sure that's the best idea, I don't know how MySQL will handle that with existing pilots, not sure if it will skip over to the first available ID
  22. Yep Jeff's right, that's why there's a generic "enroute" message. I can't really guess from disconnected ACARS reports
  23. Nabeel

    Pilot Status

    Jeff, are those the only changed needed for that? I can implement that into mainline
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