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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. You can do a forgot password on the account and you should be able to get in from there
  2. Contact your host, that's a host error error
  3. I always do: include dirname(__FILE__).'/../path/to/file'; The dirname(__FILE__) gives the absolute path to the file you're at now, and from there you can navigate to wherever that codon.config.php file is. Using the absolute path to that file is best though
  4. This is probably the best way. There's also this help topic: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=11
  5. No tax, that's the number, yup
  6. Hi all, fivedev/phpVMS hosting is now officially starting an affiliate program - you get 7% of every referral, with a payout of $25. You also get a $5 bonus for signing up. Top referrals in every month will get a month free hosting. The servers have also been upgraded to PHP 5.3, and given more of a kick in terms of RAM and CPU. So, check it out! http://www.fivedev.net In phpVMS news, the bug tracker has been moved to github, and more of the project is being moved there, to allow more community involvement in the direction and development. As I've said always, it will remain completely open-source. vaCentral - a few changes have been implemented, mainly, any airlines without a PIREP in two months will be dropped off of the rankings. Weekly reports have also been fixed, and I'm looking to make a few more ranking changes. If you're good at math and like algorithms dealing with rankings, etc, drop me a line, let's talk. -Nabeel
  7. You just want your VA deleted?
  8. I'd talk to your host, that's probably an incorrect webserver configuration
  9. You were also missing the call to the phpVMS javascript - check the skinning docs
  10. Remove these two: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.7.2.min.js"></script> You're calling jQuery in again
  11. You can use htaccess to make /pilots to go index.php/pilots It will auto lookup the module based on that name passed in. Any arguments after that are passed in as function arguments
  12. That aircraft is just for reference, you can just assign it to a 'default' aircraft - your pilots can file a PIREP with whatever aircraft
  13. Configured? It should work once you get ACARS flights using something like kACARS IVAO - do a search, there are a few threads about that
  14. Nabeel


    Look at the code I had posted... that's the basic starting point for that
  15. I would ask them. Also, there is an Alaska Virtual Airlines in existence already, I believe...
  16. I wonder if someone could pick it up?
  17. phpVMS isn't designed for that out of the box, but it would need heavy modifications. Probably would be better to start something from scratch for that
  18. Make sure the variable to use is $pilot, might be something else
  19. You'd have to code that yourself
  20. If you do a search, there is a work-around for it, I don't remember what it is currently
  21. What do you mean go directly to the tables and edit them - what did you edit?
  22. This spam is going crazy everywhere. Even on this forum, I dunno what's going on
  23. Just assign one registration to all of the same type
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