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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. If you don't update PHP, you'll have a lot of other errors. Also, removing that filter_var now exposes you do SQL injections, and allows users to use anything they like as an email address
  2. Basically you create a script, and you can create it as a module. Your app has to hit that module (or a cron or something if you're reading a feed), where that code gets run. You need to call one of the ACARSData functions, to file a PIREP or update an actual flight status. To do that, you fill in a data structure and pass it to it. For example, kACARS is updating a status of a flight: https://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/blob/master/core/modules/kACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php#L179 There's that array, which get's passed to UpdateFlightData(). So perhaps it will be something like simplexml_load_data('your feed url'), and then filling out that data structure and passing it to UpdateFlighData. FilePIREP is similar: https://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/blob/master/core/modules/kACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php#L255
  3. Nabeel

    Stats Page

    Read: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html?record=16
  4. Put them into an array, then use: http://us.php.net/manual/en/function.array-intersect.php
  5. If you have a route database loaded, yes
  6. Did you try adding a bid with the console open?
  7. Make sure the from-email in the settings matches what your host needs; often times if that doesn't match a valid email, it won't get sent out
  8. In Firefox, go to Tools->Error Console
  9. Getting a save-file means your host hasn't installed PHP and/or Apache correctly
  10. It's open source, you can change it to work exactly how you'd like it to work.
  11. It's probably related to the skin. Can you open the firefox error console and then put a bid, see what errors come up
  12. Nabeel

    Fatal Error

    How many schedules do you have?
  13. Nabeel


    Recalculate financials didn't do anything, only reset empty PIREPs. Finances are not cached now though, it should be calculated on the fly.
  14. I have this on the list of things to convert into a setting
  15. You can split it by category. Something like: // This is that foreach line from above: foreach($allcategories as $category) { // If this is the category turboprops, and their rank level is less than 2, then don't show this if ($category->name == 'Turboprops' && Auth::$userinfo->ranklevel < 2) { continue; } ... }
  16. Thanks, I'll take a look when I get a chance. Can you add a comment to that bug?
  17. Nabeel


    Any specifics, I can't really know what to check without specifics... But if I have to guess, fuel pricesand fuel reported
  18. phpVMS has been around for 2 years, there have been no reports of any difficulty in upgrading, especially for templates, if you follow the instructions. I also list all the changes. If you modify core or admin code, you're on your own for diffing those. That's why there are modules and hooks into some areas. The same thing goes for any other software which needs upgrading.
  19. It would go after this: foreach($alldownloads as $download) {
  20. Then the text on the template should be updated. That's something you can do in your templates for now, to indicate the time format. If you want, you can also add the str_replace() code into the templates to change that formatting. And the casting in SQL with flighttime_stamp AS flighttime will fix the issue in the presentation layer, as it's just passed through, and there's no formatting done. If you wish, you can add that now as well to the getPIREP() and findPireps() functions in the PIREPData class
  21. There was code around, do a search, which will automatically accept PIREPS. I do remember it coming up before
  22. It's always in HH:MM. Not sure where you're getting decimal from. The timestamp column remains as 0.42 if noted as 42 minutes. There's no conversion anywhere. The only update is dropping that column, and casting flighttime_stamp as flighttime. There's nothing else to fix. And as for a timeframe, not any time soon.
  23. I also replied to your bug report, as a comment
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