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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Might have to do Template::Set(), I'm not 100% sure without looking at it
  2. Send me the exact changes you made, I will incorporate them into the main code
  3. POints? what do you mean, you want to manually assign them? You can change dollars into points..... that would work if you want to use that instead of money
  4. I believe that was fixed, I can't find the specific commit, but if you run into it, just open a bug for it
  5. Changed Files: m core/app.config.php added options to filter on last PIREP filed, show schedules only for certain days of week View complete changes Download from here
  6. Changed Files: m admin/lib/template.csv m admin/modules/Import/Import.php m core/modules/Schedules/Schedules.php import/export for multi week schedule View complete changes Download from here
  7. Changed Files: m admin/modules/Operations/Operations.php m admin/modules/PIREPAdmin/PIREPAdmin.php m admin/templates/ops_scheduleform.tpl m admin/templates/pirep_edit.tpl m core/app.config.php m core/classes/CodonCache.class.php m core/common/ACARSData.class.php m core/common/PIREPData.class.php m core/common/SchedulesData.class.php m core/modules/PIREPS/PIREPS.php m core/modules/Schedules/Schedules.php m core/templates/schedule_results.tpl schedules listing cleanup, added weekly schedule filter View complete changes Download from here
  8. Your host probably has dozens and dozens of other accounts on the same server, so it's not just your account.
  9. Your server is out of space, contact your host
  10. That's a FSFK question, not a phpVMS one
  11. Look in the code snippets forum
  12. There are templates in core/templates which start with fsfk_, you can start with those
  13. Sorry for the late reply, yeah, you can replace it with an image
  14. Your login script has to use the API login, or you can find the code in the API which does it
  15. Nabeel

    Pilot Status

    Look in app.config, I believe I had them in there
  16. Try this - in the phpvms fieldvalues table, using phpMyAdmin, find this FOREIGN KEY: phpvms_fieldvalues_ibfk_2 Delete that... Probably when the pilots table was duplicated, there was a second key added which didn't get removed. The error is coming from that field values action though, so that's a good thing
  17. You'd have to create a new module Use AJAX to call action.php/module/airportlist/KJFK class module extends codonmodule { public function airportlist($airport) { } } Then you'd select based on $airport (KJFK) passed in Use the API to search... output your list from that
  18. That's strange... You can copy the default one over from the install folder
  19. Nabeel

    ICAO Codes

    You can add a separate airline and assign schedules to that airline
  20. The password is salted for extra encryption
  21. Give it some time, sometimes that lookup server goes down if it's getting hit with a lot of traffic
  22. What was the issue, and how did you solve it? For future reference, thanks...
  23. Follow the instructions in my sig to enable debug logs, and then once that's done, try saving a custom field, then lemme know, we'll check the logs for any errors
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