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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Search... they're all out there
  2. I dunno, less destinations? Are they real-world schedules?
  3. Geonames has been going down alot recently.. hmpf
  4. Thanks guys, more updates are on the way slowly
  5. Did you run the install/update.php? Click 'force' to well, force it to run
  6. To fix the URL fopen error: In notamdep.tpl, replace: if (!$xml = simplexml_load_file ($stream)) { die("Fehler beim Einlesen der XML Datei"); } With: $file = new CodonWebService(); $contents = @$file->get($stream); $xml = @simplexml_load_string($contents); And then in notamarr.tpl do the same thing. This uses the CodonWebService class to pull the stream via cURL, and load it that way. This is the safer way since alot of hosts (including mine) disable url_fopen.
  7. That's not possible, the pilot ID is the database ID which is all-numeric
  8. What do you mean? You just have to type in the number of hours into that pilot's profile in the admin panel
  9. If you look in the config file there are comments there explaining how
  10. If you copy everything sure. Can you paste the output from running install/checkinstall.php and install/checkdb.php?
  11. There currently isn't because it's not a persistent system, so it's difficult to keep track. It's on my list, though, and I'm trying to figure out a good way to do this
  12. Ah ok, then maybe you can add a request to that project to add the ability to restrict ranks
  13. Then from 2.0 to 2.1 I'm assuming. Well, check the changelog, there were template changes which have to be made. Also, run the install/checkinstall.php script to make sure there's no corrupted or missing files
  14. vaCentral has been updated, and still ongoing with improvements (I've got a pretty long list, but this is a start!). Let me know if you have any trouble or issues.
  15. Pretty cool: http://www.gillesvidal.com/blogpano/cockpit1.htm
  16. Try adding an aircraft manually, does that show up?
  17. Well I wasn't really aiming for advertising (that's why the title is VA Discussion), but it's all good
  18. Did you update from 2.0? Read the changelog, there were updated templates
  19. Hey, look in the addons forum, there is an exam addon there
  20. The template is in the /core/templates folder. I don't remember how the gates were
  21. I'll have to let it marinate for a bit
  22. This exists, check the app.config.php and copy the line into local.config.php. I forget the name but I thnk it's EMAIL_REPLY_ADDRESS or something like that. There are comments in there explaning
  23. Use the default PIREP form, revert back to that
  24. Reupload that import.php file and try importing again
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