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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Add this into the General Features Request thread in Off Topic. I'll think about it
  2. Yep, no template upgrades, you should be good. Yep, no new news on that. Any changes there would be for all versions anyway
  3. I'd suspect a typo in that config file
  4. You said dual websites?
  5. Nabeel


    Oh ok, I got lost in the thread. That bug I know about, I added it into the tracker to fix
  6. Wait, what is your setup?
  7. Nabeel


    Martin, can you PM me your import file, or add it as an attachment
  8. Just nothing for all, issue was a free web host
  9. Nabeel


    It's either all automatic, or all manual. Check the docs, it's explained in there
  10. Nabeel


    What did you use to generate the CSV?
  11. It's even more than this, I wouldn't touch it
  12. Can you email it to me? nabeel at nsslive dot net Thanks
  13. Yep, simpilot's suggestion is the way to go. Housing subfolders would be a huge change to the core
  14. Are you on a free host? Follow directions in my signature for getting debug info, and attache the core/logs/log.txt file after you try to add an airport
  15. So edit the fspax_template.tpl file which is in /core/templates
  16. You have some corrupted files there, try re-uploading those. Are you on a free host?
  17. Follow the link in my signature for getting debug info,t hen you can PM me a copy of hte /core/logs/log.txt fil, and paste the output here of the install/checkdb.php and install/checkinstall.php files
  18. There is, goto "Documentation" on top, then ACARS Guides, then FSPax. There's a video t utorial
  19. $password1 I think, but I'd highly recommend against doing that...
  20. Why? It counts mostly PIREPs, but is balanced now with your active pilots and flights. There are more changes coming to rank within their groups
  21. Nabeel


    Huh? They can't be both, only one or the other
  22. Err, I have no idea what you mean
  23. http://github.com/nshahzad/phpVMS/blob/master/core/common/OFCharts.class.php#L99 There are colors defined there
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