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Everything posted by joeri

  1. joeri


    and you aren't immature at the moment plz do all off this via pm i will leave it open for now but if more Sh... come's i will close the topic
  2. joeri


    just google html collor codes and those you can use
  3. dude stop begging for customers. iff one asks here on the forum what is a good hosting most of us will guide him to fivedev. as simpilots stated you are one in a line off many but i don't thing anny off them is still here. also Nabeel provides a non full stacked server so speeds are always high
  4. working like a charm www.tnt-virtual.be
  5. is your card overclocked? iff so trie and set your setting to less and trie to install a scenery see iff it still hapens iff not it could be the cyyz scenery has a mem leak
  6. this is done automaticly
  7. joeri

    Vacation Time

    have a nice vacation we will do our best to help the rest maby you can tell us whare you are going so we can send you a post pigion wit the message on its foot
  8. plain and simple iff you pay the bucks you can remove the powerd by in your footer.
  9. i think he is talking about a link back to phpvms. this is i believe requested by Nabeel
  10. because we aren't all from the us we are from all over the world so iff we all would write in our own language it would be a big mess
  11. keep it in english plz so other pilots also can follow
  12. t(hanks ray will see iff its getting the last prices :-)
  13. but i thouth the live feulpricing wan't working annymore
  14. joeri

    Can't Config kACARS

    i don't think that Kacars is comp with xplane gr joeri
  15. just looked at your site again its a freeware plz do a forum search on this mather you will probably get some errors dew to the fact that you are on free hosting
  16. u will be the 9..... to make a website like that i wish you good luck
  17. i don't think this is under construction annymore
  18. this means there was no error i belive :-)
  19. i just registerd a test account on the register page there where some strange things going on the coding for the whole page was again on the tope but then in coding style.then i looked in the pilot center and all was ok he gave me via pm also a nothish that it where randomly errors so its pretty tricky to get things sorted
  20. could you provide us with a link and maby a test account so i can take a look you can pm the test account gr joeri
  21. joeri


    you are welcome and blue skies
  22. jeff at the moment we are doing a eurotour with the tnt acars using only the charter button working like a charm the only downside but this serversid related as there is no flightnumber so no schedulle the system wont add anny pilot pay expences and stuff as it doesn't know the flight and what the cost are. gr joeri
  23. joeri


    there is no development anny more on fsacars and also no support from their side so Nabeel had to discontinu it now there is a verry new acars program that is simular to fsacars its kacars, do a search and you will see it. gr joeri
  24. joeri


    fsacars is no longer supported look here http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2526-dropping-fsacars-support/
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