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Everything posted by joeri

  1. you have the 737-300 QC or the Freiter and there also is the 737-700c thats also allows changeing between cargo and pax gr joeri
  2. what he is meaning it is not realistic in reallive a shorter flight will never be flown with suth a big plane as it will sertenly will run in neative firures ad the end off tghe flight for a shorter flight will be opt for a 2 engine aircraft with a bigg load capacaty. gr joeri
  3. gona jump on this quickly you are correct on the yesterdays score it seems that that score is always steady(day before yesterday score 99 yesterday 2 flights 99+2 so 101 today 0 flights it keeps 101 same for tommorow 0 flights it keeps 101 so at our airline TNT it keeps the score and counts up. hope you are following. thane the counting iff i am correct you need to do a sertane ammount off flights to level your current scoring depending on all example: you need to make at least 2 flights a day to keep the scoring 0 no i also belive Nabeel is curently not working on vacentral, when he goes t phpvms 2.1 he will start developing the VA central further. gr joeri
  4. yeah i know what you mean. but it sounded funny as i am from belgium and mostly need to read all 2 times so nothing gets lost in translation
  5. are you trying to do a goat sorry hope you don't find it offensive. i just found it funny
  6. thanks gents but i optiont for something to my capabilaties and used lightbox. you can look at it here www.tnt-virtual.be
  7. hello gents i am looking for some help currentlu i have some flash coding to show a small slideshow off screenshots.(www.tnt-virtual.be) on the right but i am looking for something that will enlarge the screens when pushed i looked at lightbox 2 but here it will show all the pictures and not 1/or slideshow. does annyone know something to make this work thanks in advance joeri
  8. did you test it whith an other acars program and i don't know iff it still is but kacars takes some time to bee seen on the website. are you using the crystal template or a modified. gr joeri
  9. could you try the defould crystal see iff the map popes up gr joeri
  10. i just tried to look but the server is in maint it seems gr joeri edit just looked at it using firebug got 2 errors are you on the stable(54) or on the latesed beta (917) iff you come from the stable to the beta and you have tha acarsmap.tpl alterd and in your skins folder look at,there are some changes. iff not try and repload the acarsmap.tpl and the acarsmap.js gr joeri
  11. dude never talk about a man his u know what iff you do that here in belgium they call you a u know what. just kidding yeah i think he takes the whole virtual airline stuff a bidd to seriusly
  12. negative i only use ff
  13. just looked at it all is going ok no erros and showing lots off schedulles
  14. you can add this to your local config file Config::Set('CHECK_BETA_VERSION', true); gr joeri
  15. the best thing you can do is just ignore his mails iff he sends you a mer(ger proposal. and vansers the first thing you schould do is make sure he hasen't got anny acces to you server.
  16. as dave mentiont i woumld be verry carfull in all the stuff you do with empora when i started my airline most people liked my website apart from 1 person, he wass dissing my site as he does to all websites. maby we all schould propose a merger to on off our airlines and take over his stuff gr joeri
  17. so u ask a sum for a lifetime membership but what iff you discontinu your services after you have 10 members and they all paid.
  18. did you shut down becouse off the merger or becouse you did not have anny activaty from pilots
  19. working perfectly on my end maby the server got hooked try it again
  20. hello lucas could you give me the icao of the airport so i can try and dupe it gr joeri
  21. i think he is looking only at canadian airlines trying to expand his area off activaty
  22. hello nikos iff i am not mistaking its something like this the ranking is calculated per hour using current flighthours,current active/retired pilots,tha ammount off schedulles(having 500 schedulles for 3 pilots will be badder than 100 for 3)also you have to make some flights a day to stay at 0 this also depends onn all the factors i just mentiont thats i think about it but possible i forgot some things. gr joeri
  23. nabeel just updated to the correct on still the problem off the expence is there updatei just added a new expence and it got fired up again and is working perfect now. gr joeri
  24. the link you are showing is incorrect just use the one in the first post. gr joeri
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