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Everything posted by joeri

  1. joeri


    having a wierd problem when using xacars all the planes on the acars map show the oposite direction at this moment i am flying a heading off 220 and the map is showing 040 are there other havong this problem. gr joeri
  2. you make those kolders writable and all inside also. gr joeri
  3. as we look at your avatar your mind schould be empty i only see 2 red eyes
  4. joeri


    thats what we are all trying to tell him that it works together.
  5. love the flag on the tail
  6. looking verry nice
  7. joeri

    Legal age

    you don't let them fly on the virtual-skies server?
  8. as mentiont earlyer tested on IE8 and FF 3.... so that is working haven't got the time to test it on opera or google chrome
  9. joeri

    Legal age

    acctually it depends on the country you are living in.here in belgium is the minimum age 14 i believe,so i have a minimum of 16 to be correct with alomste every country. gr joeri
  10. Confirmation Sent Thanks for registering for Canada Sun Airlines, you will be notified via email of your registration status. just registerd at your site. working like a charm on firefox and IE8.
  11. the install folder is niet in your public_htm try this www.flycsun.com/install/checkinstall.php its givving an error this normaly should give an output. gr joeri
  12. can you give me the link to your site and make sure the install folder is in its place i will take a look at it
  13. ok and the rest * PHP 5.2+ * MySQL 4.1+ with InnoDB. Recommended extras: * GD Image Library * allow_url_fopen set to ON or cURL * phpVMS is designed to run with PHP with register_globals set to 'off' * phpVMS may not run properly with safe mode on this is verry importand
  14. since you have SOO manny problems what version are you on off phpvms and the php versions on your server
  15. joeri


  16. joeri


    than maby something is wrong just coppy the links to the existing tpl without altering start slow Rome wasn't build in 1 day.
  17. joeri


    best u can do is contact Tom(http://www.fstools.co.uk/) he has done some nice work for a nice price. gr joeri
  18. joeri


    as you say you are still on dev why can your pilots have problems then. as for the help best thiong you can do is try the tutorials and if you get stuch somewhere than ask i just looked at your site u had the skin from rogeror brain and now you are back to something verry strange. if u use the tuto and try this on rogers sking i ame sure u will get it running,and if you get stuck show your code and there will be help.. the tpl are mainly html like Nabeel toled some php in there but thet you wil see in the defauld skin and you can take this over. gr joeri
  19. joeri


    why are the pilots having problemens with the php non of them need to do anything with php only use the site.u need to do the coding in HTML/a bid php but as i see all your post i thing you are in difficoulties off setting your site up and that is why u are asking for all off this.
  20. curently at 15
  21. xacars doesn't use a log its just flight tracking
  22. hey bart as far as i know i think you are looking to the wrong tpl
  23. joeri

    latest skin

    i think now you are making someone pisted off using the wrong name :-) its Roger who made the skin
  24. This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl]http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=2181.0[/iurl]
  25. not correct Brain on the latested beta no key is needed anymore from the changelog:# Google Maps replaced with v3 API (no more key needed! the second i looked at the site i think somewhere the code is wrong as its displaying a black box. gr joeri
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