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Everything posted by joeri

  1. just added you moesch...
  2. ah thats a nice one. pfff out off my head start fsfk left side are some klikkables go over them all on one off them is a button rebuild nav database hit it that will do the trick also every time you ad a new scenery do this gr joeri
  3. that got it working thanks +1 for you tebinu
  4. then i would try a new install off the gauge. as for the local.config.php this is what i have # FSFK Settings // Your FTP Server, and path to the lib/images folder (from where the FTP connects from), IE // ftp://phpvms.net/phpvms/lib/fsfk Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_SERVER', 'ftp://tnt-virtual.be/public_html/lib/fsfk'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PORT', '21'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_USER', '******'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASS', '******'); Config::Set('FSFK_FTP_PASSIVE_MODE', 'TRUE'); hope this will help you a bid further or els pm he you msn or somethin like that and we will try znd get it working. gr joeri
  5. in your local config you need to adress the place for your data(pictures) from fsfk. but actually i got it wronf in the firtst place your screen is showwing an error with your acars in flightsim maby a new install off the gauge will be needed or are u using fsfk and fs on 2 seperat computers. gr joeri
  6. did you setup your files in your local config gr joeri
  7. that is probably a typo as they got this version only for 2 months ik know becouse i used xacars on a pre phpvms airline
  8. that i can't see but iff you are on the 45 you are a bid outdated in the 54 are some updates on that part if i am not misstaking
  9. is this the install folder from the version you are on ot the lates beta if latesd and not version you are on i think this will be correct
  10. current live version is 854 so maby you need to update and do a forum search on live map you will find lots off stuff
  11. nice finaly so mark i would go with Xacars i also like the xacars software as it supports Xplane so the comunaty isn't only msf so more pilots can enjouy the fun
  12. one day yeaahhhh
  13. you can use xacars it pretty good only not giving a landing rate. gr joeri
  14. look here http://downloads.phpvms.net/phpvms.beta.zip gr joeri
  15. if you want to pay money go for FS flightkeeper best arround
  16. ok will ask the host on this gr joeri
  17. fsacars doens't give a heading its calculated iff i am correct
  18. i know its difficould times to get on the virtual world, smae here in and out of dockters offices but the beer you brew is it annyting up to belgium standards then i will drop by.
  19. negative thomas won't send the key that comes directly from aerosoft but you can download a 30 day trail instead and then just change the key iff you have it . gr joeri
  20. yep iff you have the wazzup file it would go indeed
  21. also the is no airways table annymore correct ?
  22. yep doing the update yeah sean i can feel my server choking also
  23. got this error Warning: file_get_contents(/home/tntvirtua/domains/tnt-virtual.be/public_html//install/airways.sql) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/tntvirtua/domains/tnt-virtual.be/public_html/install/Installer.class.php on line 306
  24. don't think this will be a hit as i have seen manny servers come and go but the thing i would miss most is proper ATC i fly on vatsim or IVAO for the service they provide .gr joeri
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