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Everything posted by joeri

  1. as you know there is no fsacars support annymore as off version 2.1 you can go and use kacars mush better ans still support gr joeri
  2. why make publication off a website that isn't live
  3. yeah maby i also will buy some cases
  4. this looks like something with the aa or the af look in your nhancer also what you can try is to download a preset for fs2004 for nhanser possible you have updated your nvidia or nhancer files and is the update worse than the last driver. gr joeri
  5. pm is send
  6. Nabeel know there are some problems xith the hole scoring in case off your missing flights maby in settings you can do a resend pireps and stuff for the yesterdays score also still some bugs in there but iff you look close the scoring is adjusted right next to it in the green. gr joeri
  7. i alos got it working special thanks to selwyn. 1 question i implemented it also to my second website but now its givving me a headake in the schedulles it now has made some style changes iff you look at the link you will see all the white boxes how can i let these dissapear linkcitybird schedulles thanks in advance joeri
  8. but then again isn't he fully booked with his skins. you can try and contact him. also i ordered one a couple off months ago still havent had the time to use is iff ok for tom i am happy to send it to you pm in case its ok gr joeri
  9. looking verry good like the clouds in the header
  10. just to hope on to your xacars problem there one off your urls is wrong and also you enter your pasword that u use on the website. sorry jeff that i go in againts your kacars but all need support like you give support on email gr joeri
  11. i think this is also fixed on the last beta as the problem went away after installing the beta
  12. looks good but could it be made in english as my portugese or brasilian isn't that good
  13. just tested and working like a charme.thanks for the help and this is working verry nice gr joeri
  14. same here iff you want to share plz let me know. gr joeri
  15. did you do the recalculate option in the admin
  16. i think this piece off scripts went in the storage room i mailed him about 4 weeks ago then he hit a bump and nothing annymore
  17. i just uploaded the latest modulles from ref 930 working fine
  18. i tried to clear the cache but that didn't work still can bid on a schedulle anny idea's
  19. yep you hit the spot but for the moment fs9 still has the most scenery's but that will change in time and than fs X is the top
  20. joeri

    popup news

    hello i am using the popupnews from simpilots after updating to the 2.1 i am getting this error Warning: call_user_func_array() [function.call-user-func-array]: First argument is expected to be a valid callback, 'PopUpNews::popupnewsitem' was given in /home/tntvirtua/domains/tnt-virtual.be/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218 so the news isnt working annymore to be more precise the news is there but if i want to read it i get this error
  21. in the current beta/next release will be an update admin side gr joeri
  22. try a full install using the beta insted off doing isntall/update do install/install.php see iff it still is hapening iff not be sure to let u know
  23. what version are you on in the beta this is already added so iff you wait until the release off the 2.1 you will get it ge joeri
  24. joeri

    Obsess Blue

    download the skin upload it to your lib/skins folder go to your admin setup choose obsess blue
  25. i was talking aboud reallive not virtual in the virtual world i know there is the wilco pic 737-300 and the pmdg 737-700 also there is a nice freeware 738 airscheffel but its not cargo(now you can always alter the cfg file from that aircraft to be cargo but that is tricky dew to the load places and stuff) gr joeri
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