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Everything posted by joeri

  1. so you want to link a free service to a paid one don't think that is gonna work and i even think mike will ask a fee
  2. i don't think tis is possible as they have their own server and i don't think you can just go and poke arround in there
  3. maby i am not getting the whole picture but at our va wa are on the beta iff a pilot registers there is no route added they just enter a number from our schedulleand you arez reffering to the schedulles so maby there is an error and not in you pilos list.
  4. as far as i know you cant disable it but just don't look at it will do the trick
  5. known error i have it also it happend after i did a new exports off my pireps. gr joeri
  6. looking good
  7. as i thouth
  8. For Free ? or at a cost.
  9. joeri


    do you have an unedited and a bid closer so i can look at the detail thanks
  10. joeri

    Skinning Service

    there you say it its a donation there a person decides what he donates and i don't think Nabeel is getting tons off money in donations
  11. joeri


    can you show some screens off repainted planes of yopur hand also can you paint them with dirt and all the stuff just painting is the easy part its adding the dirt that makes it more difficould
  12. negative for me still the same error :( EDIT: my hours are curently correct also the total flights but its not showing the last pireps that are send. gr joeri
  13. same here last pirep going true was about 1.5 week ago
  14. same here pireps aren't going to the server annymore last flight on the server showing is from last week but i just made a flight and its not showwing same for other pilots in the va. api key is correct for me
  15. looking verry sharp will contact you with a few questions ion the site and the hosting later on this evening gr joeri
  16. http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/2177-new-va-questions/
  17. all is in there good job Eddy
  18. quick question Nabeel in the routing do i also need to enter the dep and arriving airport same as pollixx did gr joeri
  19. sorry for the late reply this is what i get Europe/Berlin its the location off the server/correct timezone
  20. what you can do: the sky is the limit limitations that will be awnserd from Nabeel gr joeri
  21. for me it was also working in he beginning but after a few day the problems got on their way i just wanted to warn you
  22. i wouldn't change the id iff i was you tried id in the past will screw up the whole phpvms. gr joeri
  23. when setting up fsfk you also need to set the vatemplate in the options off the complete fsfk and not only your loggbook
  24. FIXED
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