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Everything posted by joeri

  1. try to set the liveacars in you options to va template this worked for some pilots in our airline
  2. second screen the liva acars .txt set it to va template thane the first screen lose the email airline and password. thane try
  3. tghat is completly wrong look here LandingProfile.jpg stettings for ftp are in the app.config
  4. pm me
  5. what do you need painted and is there something to compare it to or is it a new fresh paint
  6. you can alwase pm me for some help
  7. hello Simon, first i want to say i find it a bid sad you are starting this tread.we are all doing this for a hobby and do this to get some stress releaf. now on the mather off the many pireps: va central is still in development so errors can still happen and even iff he is "cheating" iff i am not wrong Nabeel is building in some sort off lets call it anti cheat. and i even think this is not the place for these questions iff you ar so curios just ask them in person and not via this way it will only start unneccesary discucions. gr joeri
  8. yesq indeed i use the phpvms server for that
  9. i just remembered in the doc there are some lines saying how to setup all your stuff. the stuff you enter in the edit pilot you must also do this in the general options i had a pilots with this sorry for the late reply just rememberd it. gr joeri
  10. i tried it on my website its givving me luke airfield base.
  11. iff you are going to open a va its not a good idae to use free webhosing.
  12. you have enterd all correct?
  13. http://docs.phpvms.net/using_fsfk#using_fs_flight_keeper
  14. ? this link is active. plz give us some more info
  15. where did you place you va template it has to be in the C:Users......DocumentsFS Flight KeeperTemplates this is for win7 don't know the driver your on iff this is your error it will also fix the canot send pirep gr joeri
  16. http://docs.phpvms.net/using_fsfk#using_fs_flight_keeper hope this helps
  17. whats the trouble did the install work? joeri
  18. http://docs.phpvms.net/installation#updates
  19. at the moment the beta and the full realease are the same . gr joeri
  20. i ame trying to gess what you mean you can't view the tutorials did u use ff ir IE8 and do you installed al lthe pluginss to vieuw the tuto. gr joeri
  21. don't know iff you have autoretire set to true iff so plz set it to false or all your pilots will disapear from the schedulle and you need to manualy edit the bech to active by changing the value back to 0 after tey send a pirep. gr joeri
  22. confirmed it give a page with no route
  23. in the installer you have to refresh then it will pickup all the planes
  24. somebody also had this i think look like your server is full
  25. you are on the complete wong side tha acars instaqller has nothin to do with fsfk working with vms
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