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Everything posted by joeri

  1. thanks hope it wil get fixed but as we know it will get fixed
  2. hey nabeel when trying to accept a pirep it will send you back to the same page but without the styles i tried it on the dev same error i can only accept vai accept all
  3. that it good job
  4. yes indeed the livery is verry tight and clean
  5. looking verry nice
  6. you are mixin 2 thing together tha acars installer is only for your OWN use it has nothing to do with phpvms you need to set up like the screens and nothing more and also the correct setup off you flight so it can connect to the website. gr joeri
  7. joeri


    iff i get you correct there is an option in yoor app config something like Config::Set('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE', true); set it to false
  8. that is already possible using xacars or fsflightkeeper just fill in all the stuff needed and log you flight the only thing that has to be correct is the aircrafft registration
  9. that was it i just forgot aboud it sorry gents
  10. joeri

    Add To Bid?

    then start skinning ;D
  11. iff you do a search here in the forum it will tell you how i don't remeber the tread
  12. you have to make a link to that page and thane it will show your forum
  13. joeri

    Add To Bid?

    this language wont help i want it fixed soon we all do our best and this http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1741.0
  14. thats no error i get it also
  15. joeri

    Roster list

    then probably your pilots aren't in a hub
  16. joeri

    Add To Bid?

    just tested it on my own website version 858 no problemens adding bids in ff AND IE8. all working like it schould be
  17. joeri

    Roster list

    just a question/heads up did you ask for persission from the real thomas cook. why i am asking this is i know somebody also did a tc va but without the permission and some other tc va sended the link to the real and they got a nice letter from their office
  18. you can just grab the last one
  19. this wil corupt the whole database changing off callsign is NOT possible
  20. ok now that this is solved i will close this sorry for the inconveniance eddy
  21. ok will make an account on your website to try it out later this evening ok. pm me you url details plz
  22. negative this is database related. gr joeri
  23. explane yourself my english is not that great
  24. look if your ftp settings are correct
  25. some errors in the dashboard my graph is showing no pireps anymore just an empty graph my financials are complete wrong expences aren't calculated anny more here is it for this month 2010-01 101 $ 83,169,778,300.00 $ 3,594,845.00 $ 0.00 ($ -5,343,667.19) $ 250,288,401.71 even the epences from last months is gone. reverting back to build 854 gr joeri
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