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Everything posted by joeri

  1. i have it standard in my pilot center the award image
  2. yes we did. i helpt him with the update and its also fixed the registration.tpl
  3. there is software out there to also figure that out. i wont be playing messenger i just got him on msn he poped up and he toled me that i after this i haven't seen him. you have his msn and mail just email him he will reply if he finds the time he toled me thats all i can do sorry for u that it is is your site that can't be done and you ar sitting with the shi... i wont be interfering with all off this
  4. i don't know if it works with iframes the best way to do so is to write your own modulle and than link the tlp files in this
  5. you can contact him yourself just look in the forum you will find his msn gr joeri
  6. yeah sorry its inair try reuploading that
  7. yes indeed a website is like a woman somthimes they also act funny
  8. ok its now 09/01/2001 00:01UTC just talked to bryan he asked me to post this and i quote:"we've had the worst snowstorm in the history of kansas can u do me a favor and tell them im extremly fu.... busy" so now you all know where he is. gr joeri
  9. can you give me a site so i can take a look
  10. no you need to redo you pilot_registration.tpl if you can't get it fixed let me know and i will take a look at it gr joeri
  11. try and reupload the lib/images/inflight folder these are the planes showing on the map gr joeri need more help feel free to pm me
  12. this is not an phpvms error its an fsacars error as mentiont i have it also can't fix it the problem is the software is discontinued so no fixes are made i stoped using fsacars and now use xacars or the payware fsflightkeeper
  13. fixed at my end
  14. this time you can set to whatever you want it will check iff the connection between pilot and live map is still there iff not it will drop it from the map after 720 or whatever you set it min is 120. gr joeri
  15. look at the sticky ;D
  16. yes indeed but n the admin you can see what every admin does so its still complete possible to have multiple va's and iff you are gonne setup multiple va you know your admins so its build on trust gr joeri
  17. you enter you db via mysql then its the third from the bottom phpvms_sessions gr joeri
  18. plz try to cleare your cache and empty the sessions table in your database. gr joeri
  19. this erro is fsacars related and i think tis is something in your own system i had it also tried everyting but no luck in the and i switched to xacars
  20. it just don't send a log or are you getting anny error also plz turn on the debug mode in your local config and send the logs plz gr joeri
  21. i don't want to shut you up but iff we are going to let all the members spill their guts on persons who did something wrong this forum will be flouded we all know as from the closed post that there are problems with the service he is giving. after talking to Nabeel we desided to leave this one open only off the tread keeks respectfull(no namecalling etc..) but the best way off this is via pm or email and you have his msn i even haven't seen him for a wile on msn. hope this gets solved. i just checked his accound last login January 05, 2010, 02:59:38 pm that is all the info i have
  22. joeri


    dam thout i was running a good job ;D ;D ;D ;D
  23. i have it to but only iff there is already a bid in the bids page it use to work with multiple bids only thing i changed is # If someone places a bid, whether to disable that or not Config::Set('DISABLE_SCHED_ON_BID', true); Config::Set('DISABLE_BIDS_ON_BID', true); it was false plz look at tis u both see iff its the same
  24. joeri


    on my site it is correct look Gross Revenue Flights: Total number of flights: 17 $ 13,399,299.00 Pilot Payments: ($ -12,281.00) Fuel Costs: ($ -978,845.00) Flight Expenses: ($ -2,200,734.00) Total: $ 10,207,439.00 Expenses (Monthly) None $ 0.00 Transport Fee's: ($ -100,000.00) insurance: ($ -500,000.00) Expenses Total: $ 600,000.00 Totals Total Revenue: $ 9,619,720.00 Net Worth: $ 9,619,720.00
  25. joeri


    do you mean its not showing as this Pilot Pay 80 This is what the pilot will be paid, per hour, for this flight that is correct or do you mean in the brakedown there its like this $ 12,281.00 gr joeri
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