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Everything posted by joeri

  1. joeri


    you have to recalculater the hours in the awards section
  2. no you don't did you download the va template setup it correct enterd the correct stuff in you local.confing the it schould work verry nice. gr joeri
  3. this things you can edit in the options off fsfk the unistall is a pain in the ass i know here its working fine but i don't let fs and fsfk startup at the same time dew to extencive mem use of fsfk. gr joeri
  4. i think he will be relasing this as an addon when he i s finished
  5. it will keep a complete loggbook off all you flights local on your computer. gr joeri
  6. nerver mind got to start learning to read the whole code found what i was looking for a couple off lines earlier gr joeri
  7. Nabeel tried it in the 854 but this is not working how can i change it so first it won't let you see anny schedulle.so you need to do a search gr joeri
  8. hey Nabeel found a new error with the auto retire now it puts pilots who make a flight retired iff i go look in the db table it puts them om 2010 wierd.it only should be 0(active)or 1(retired) gr joeri
  9. FSFK provides all you can also us xacars but this only tracks the flight no landingrate,ext..... but the only downside to fsfk is its payware. but iff you go to aerosoft with a bigg group you can fix a discount. maby it is an idea iff we made a tread to see how many are willing to buy and then ask for a biggggg discount. gr joeri
  10. joeri


    pm me
  11. look for the frace and change it from depname to depicao i think
  12. indeed this is not so nice but i don't know iff it can be changed as its a flash thingy gr joeri
  13. i think Nabeel didn't use the google map v3
  14. i think yep but that need a confermation by Nabeel
  15. on development.
  16. joeri


    you can skin your new site like the old one. iff you need help just ask gr joeri
  17. joeri

    Admin template

    iff i ame correct they are still in there just i don't know how to edit it need to take a look but they are in there
  18. iff i get your question correct in the admin/ pilot settings your main pilot edit you can change the airline where the pilot is flying. gr joeri
  19. ok ist gut abar gehe nicht untar das number 15 odar das acars functcuniert nicht mer. don't change the number under 15 or tha acars map wont work
  20. think you can change that in the local.config
  21. normaly the upgrade schould be foolproof ;) just download the update from the download section with an ftp u upload the files(overwrite) and then in your brouwser: www.url.com/install/update.php the it will give u a screen with all is done. if you encounter anny errors plz let u know so we can redesign the foolproof section ;D ;D gr joeri
  22. as foar as i know you dont need to re register only an admin must change his airline acount. gr joeri
  23. metro does not use phpvms and normaly in the defould installation off phpvms you can loggin with you pilot id or registration email. gr joeri
  24. yes ithe cange just works after the acars is closed gr joeri
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