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Everything posted by joeri

  1. just looked at your site you also commented the vieuw all schedulles out so you first need to do a search,am i correct possible you made a mistake there
  2. first off al deleting pilots is not recomended becouse tou will lose the hours off that pilot. second no it will not pick up that ID it will always continu with the last. gr joeri
  3. This topic has been moved to Support Forum. [iurl]http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=2164.0[/iurl]
  4. could you give us a link so we can take a look at it
  5. www.tnt-virtual.be
  6. thats also the only thing i can say aboud it its wat to confusing. the whol type,shop,product thing i am no coder but is woult be way easyer just to create 1 page where you can enter a type.example electronics,cars,suits than just enter the part you want example cars:ford mustang,dodge charger,electronics:tv 100cm,tv120 cm,blueray player.something like this. just my to cents gr joeri
  7. hello i have a question i want to show only the pilots from 1 hub on my pilots roster can somebody point me in the correct direction on how to get that info out off the database. gr joeri
  8. i also wont to jump on to this on my live map my plane keeps pointing N tis is sinds the last update i think. gr joeri
  9. joeri


    you won't belive it but i just got an email that one off my testaccound went retired :D
  10. that is correct iff you had done a search it would have poped up so when using FSFK or Xacars it will show you as onroute
  11. joeri


    normaly it schould be there acourding to Nabeel but I think he forgot and isn't telling us ;D ;D ;D ;D
  12. joeri


    just a question about autoretire Nabeel toled me iff a pilot went retired he will get an email can somebody confirm he has this working i don't
  13. indeed this has something to do with your browser in IE8 no error on the FF it popes up
  14. not the install folder your complete phpvms is just a link on you mainpage
  15. hello the 854 is the stable release off the V2 870 is a beta it hase some new addings ands stuff but STILL beta so small errors ar in there. hope this explains it to you. was looking at your site but nothing is correct there you have a main page and than you redirect to you phpvms install gr joeri
  16. i ame interested to for that
  17. i was posying the same ;D
  18. your welcome where i live its multi language so french is my second language gr joeri
  19. première fois que vous ouvrez vous local.config Wil y avoir quelque chose comme ça /* This is the unit of money. For non-dollars, use : Dollars ($), enter "$" Euro (€), enter "€" Yen (¥), enter "¥" Pounds (£), enter "£" For example, to set EUROS: Config::Set('MONEY_UNIT', '€'); */ Config::Set('MONEY_UNIT', '$'); il suffit de modifier comme statend
  20. for brussels airport EBBR it would be like this lat:50.901389 long:4.484444
  21. that does the trick thanks dave
  22. no to me php is also mainly chinese but i do my best and ask. iff you need some help just ask and you will get some. now on the live pricing in you app.config is a part that says livepricing copy that to your local.config and set it to true thats it. you also can pm me for more help gr joeri
  23. joeri

    latest skin

    as always roger looking verry nice
  24. normaly i would say you are correct but than the pilotlist in de admin part will becoume endles and i i want to deney a pilot accas to his account dew to some sore off malpractise what then i will refrase may question nabeel is it possible to have a better search for the pilot side like the one on the schedulle side
  25. first off all you can use the templates to set the other pages all pages are there but you will need to write also a module. the feul price there also is an option to get the live pricing. changing from dollar to euro you will need to coppy some stuff from the app.config to your local.config same for the live pricing. as for the admin you need to give the person admin rights and also there is an option to show the admin section this also has to be put to yes. gr joeri
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