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Everything posted by ProAvia

  1. What program and version are you using to save as a comma delimited CSV file? Make another file that includes only 2 aircraft and attempt to import that CSV. Post results here. Any chance you can change to MariaDB10.1 or MySQL 5.6 ? There may be some incompatibilities between MariaDB 10.0.38 and MySQL 5.6 - phpVMS was only tested on MySQL 5.6
  2. phpVMS version? PHP version? MySQL or MariaDB version? Free or paid hosting?
  3. I see other tours have more than 15 pilots shown - https://flymirageva.org/index.php/tour/details/6 Have you checked the "tours_pilotdata" table in the DB to see how many are signed up for a specific tour and compare that with the pilot list for that tour? That's about as far as we can go with the discussion here as the module is payware.
  4. Great - MySQL 5.6 requires no changes to the table dynamics. As for the issues with some modules, that is something you will have to work through. You may see errors referencing "count" in the error. These are pretty easy to fix. Use this closed issue reference in my github for an idea of what you may need to do: https://github.com/ProAviaAZ/phpvms_5.5.2.72/issues/40
  5. In my mind, if the server is in a datacenter, you are using a hosted server. Who physically maintains the server at the datacenter? Is it a VPN? I'm guessing you are paying someone to use the server - that would be your host. Can a panel -like cPanel - be added to make access easier? Are any emails able to be sent from the site? Are email sent thru the site getting to the admin email? New PIREP submitted, new pilot registration, new Contact Us submittal?
  6. Are more than 15 pilots signed up for the tour? Are you using the default files or have they been edited?
  7. Ok - well you have to be able to access it somehow. How do you access the server?
  8. After installing a fresh copy of, you can change the local.config to point to your existing 5.5.2 database. What version of MySQL or MariaDB are you using?
  9. So you are running phpVMS locally on a Ubuntu server?
  10. As far as I know, there is no limit on how many pilots can join a tour when using the Simpilot Tour module.
  11. I believe the Simpilot Tour module is payware. Even though it is no longer available, it being payware means we can't discuss it in public. If another member has it, maybe they can contact you via PM to see if they can help you out.
  12. Is your present site on phpVMS 2.1.x or phpVMS 5.5.2 ?
  13. I believe your question was addressed here: https://forum.phpvms.net/topic/27324-no-report-position-live/?tab=comments#comment-139252
  14. Not cPanel for your email - cPanel for your hosting..... Most hosting includes at least a few email addresses. My admin email ends with my domain name.
  15. phpVMS Have you actually started the flight in your ACARS program? The aircraft position in your image above shows the aircraft at lat/lon of 0/0 - which is the default position.
  16. Is the email address associated with your VA domain or elsewhere (Gmail, Hotmail, etc.)? If you have an email address entered in as the 'admin' email, you don't really need any of the entries you changed/added above. It should just work. There are issues sometimes with the email host in that mass emails may be blocked. Many times, you can check in cPanel to see if the emails are going out or bouncing back to your host.
  17. Can you check you PHP configuration and make sure "bcmath" is running and that "allow_url_open" is set to ON ? Maybe install a phpinfo.php file and run it to see exactly the PHP configuration for the directory the phpVMS is installed in.
  18. You're welcome! Glad you were able to sort it.
  19. Look thru ALL the simBrief files and change all http to https - and let us know if that fixes it.
  20. As @Strider suggested, it could be a local host issue or a PHP 7.2 incompatibility. I believe that line is attempting to convert an XML document (navigationstyles.xml) to an object - and apparently it's unable to do that. Or, the XML document contains no data.
  21. Support from CC has been less than ideal for some time. No idea why. As to your issue... what are the contents of layout.php on line 113 ? That may be the key to your issue.
  22. PHP version? MySQL or MariaDB version? Provide a download link for phpVMS v7 so we can see if you are using the beta or latest dev version.
  23. Chances are no one has this or knows where to download it from -- the last post in this thread was over 2 years ago. And all other posts in this thread are more than 3 1/2 years old.
  24. That is why you always install new as a development site. Never mess with a working live site until you work out all the bugs.
  25. Have you by any chance tried using kACARS_Free as a test to see if it works?
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