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Everything posted by ProAvia

  1. You could possible pull the live flights table from the bottom of the acars page (.../index.php/acars) and display it elsewhere.
  2. As far as I recall, there is not. A bid gets shown in the bid table. And I don't think "Departed" is shown anywhere until the PIREP is filed. There is ACARS data listed in the acarsdata table, but may not have the data you need. There is a way to block another pilot from bidding the same schedule as another pilot who has already booked that scheduled flight.
  3. Since you are using phpVMS 5.5.2 and just starting out, I'd recommemd a completely new installation. Don't attempt to use this thread to "update" reCaptcha as 5.5.2 already has reRaptcha v2. Don't edit any core files. Just add a theme/skin and a few basic modules. Any module edits should be done to the files in the module only. Get used to the program before editing any core files. If you can't get something to work in the base program that works for everyone else, it's not an issue with the core files.
  4. If you don't have SSL at the moment, change that line in local.config to http SSL and https are tied together - you can't use one without the other.
  5. If you are using phpVMS 5.5.2 or - as I recall, these come with reCaptcha v2. No need to update. What does line 40 in the Contact.php file say?
  6. You should be using https as many modern browsers won't load http without interaction of the user. Does your site have a current SSL certificate? Your local.config shows https The page loads correctly using http It doesn't load correctly using https Is TFDI your host? If so, contact them for assistance.
  7. Don't post the same topic in multiple places. No cross-posting.
  8. Using https I see what you posted above Using http the page renders correctly. Look in .../core/local.config.php file - first few lines. Is your site shown with http or https? Whatever it is, change to the other.
  9. Thank you @Nascoli for your time to update and make version 1.3 available. The link to Github in the first post will take you to the SMPirepValidator v.1.3 page where the module can be downloaded.
  10. Sound advice!
  11. Just remember, these are payware. You can't share any code changes you do to possibly change the license verification.
  12. Thank you for the file link. I was able to download it. Also, thanks for the status update on SMRoutes. I can appreciate how difficult it is to d3velop freeware around real life schedules and commitments.
  13. phpVMS version? PHP version? MySQL or MariaDB version?
  14. @Nascoli - please repost the link in a new response. Link in original post doesn't work. Also, any further progress on SMRoutes? Thanks!
  15. You could always go thru the module files and attempt to strip out the verification parts in the code to see if you can get it working again. While I doubt your forum posts and users can be converted over, consider using phpBB forum software. It's free and has a lot of free addons as well.
  16. Would be better to ping the OP..... @Nascoli
  17. Win 11 will work with kACARS_Free - but.... the user needs to install .NET 3.5 - which doesn't come with Win11. A quick Google search for .NET 3.5 for Windows 11 will lead you to exactly how to do that. .NET 4.8 (I think) comes with Windows 11. If adding .NET 3.5 doesn't solve the users issue, have them reinstall .NET 4 also. Let us know if that works.
  18. You initially posted in the phpVMS v7 Support forum. I moved your post here. Does he have .NET 4.0 installed? Does he have FSUIPC installed for his specific sim version? Is he running kACARS_Free as Admin? Are you able to connect to your site with kACARS_Free? If the above doesn't work, he may have a corrupt .NET install and will need to reinstall. If that doesn't work, maybe try installing .NET 3.5 You indicated you require kACARS_Free (there is no 1.0.11) - is your site using 'http' or 'https'? 'https' requires kACARS_Free and supports FS9, FSX, P3D, MSFS and XP - requires use of FSUIPC or XPUIPC (sim specific)
  19. Relocated to correct forum. kACARS_Free does NOT work in phpVMS v7. It will only work in phpVMS 2.x or 5.x Be sure he has .NET 4.0 installed
  20. Post moved to Paid Services It would help to post more info about exactly what you wish to do. Do you have a current phpVMS install? If so, what version? What version do you want to upgrade to? PHP versions available on your hosting? MySQL or MariaDB version on your host? Who is your host? How much "data" in your present database?
  21. Have you checked the stylesheet - .css files?
  22. phpVMS version? PHP version? MySQL/MariaDB version? What files?
  23. Establish a "throw-away" gmail or yahoo email to use. Then you just abandon it when the project is complete - providing the developer who will continue to support his work a valid direct email address to contact you.
  24. There is not a list that I am aware of. But since you've been around a while, I'm sure you know of a few of the less than stellar ones. In any case, you can always post here asking of others dealings with specific ones.
  25. Best of luck with your project. Keep us all updated on your progress. As I'm sure you are aware - use caution in selecting a developer. There have been reports of "developers" using others work without permission. Whether payware or freeware - all original license terms and attribution requirements must be adhered to. Not following licensing requirements is copyright infringement and theft. Some will steal others payware or freeware work and pawn it off as their own.
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