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Everything posted by mseiwald

  1. I'm afraid you won't get it for free.
  2. that`s what i thought that there will be in the beta hehe just wanted to clarify that because Matthew said if it`s not there the version is outdated but in fact it is not in the latest stable version
  3. Sorry but as I see it Version 2.1.934 is the latest stabile version of phpVMS if you Download it from the website and there is no Aircraft Import/Export function in that version!
  4. I'm really wondering why that is so hard. The position reports already come from kACARS to display the aircrafts location on the live map....it just needs to be temporarily stored to be displayed on the map. I offered to pay for this feature two times already but so far no one has replied to that request.
  5. no it doesn`t i have asked Jeffrey about it some time ago and he said it is currently not possible with the custom kACARS .
  6. Hey kyle, Jap it is exactly the same as you posted but it still gives me 100. Thats funny hehe
  7. i tried it in the profile_stats.tpl and it works great except for it doesn`t limit the results to 15 but gives 100 on the greased landings and top hours. I have copied the code exactly as it is in your .tpl file. Any ideas why it gives 100 instead of just 15?
  8. I`m running the Customer Preview on a 2nd PC since a few months.... but I`m pretty sure I`ll stay with Windows 7 on my main machine.
  9. Hm I'm also using round so this could be the reason but how comes that a round function would fix more than 10 flight hours difference for the same pilot between the Screenshot and simpilots Module then? sent from my iphone
  10. hmm that`s strange... i just checked that on my site and there they are identical for simpilots module and vStatsCenter.
  11. that always goes away when i clear the cache and optimize the tables in the admin panel
  12. Jap....3 times....but nothing. I guess that if the Host sits in regions outside US or Europe they don't seem to care about those things very much And sadly i'm talking of a 1-1 copy of my site...not just a image or something.
  13. Hm but even contacting the host doesn't always help. I had such a case and contacted the host of that site 3 times. I never got a reply....nor could i see that any Action was taken to remove my content from that Site. I finally have decided to give up. (null)
  14. Hm i would suggest GC Maps... If you decide to use Google Maps please don't use that ugly big teardrop markers btw do you know a good documentation on how to change those markers on google maps? I have been searching but found nothing that helped me. Thats why i switched to GC on my whole site except for the live acars. (null)
  15. Come on kids stop it now. I don't think he would offer the skin here if it was stolen after all. Hey this forum is to help and support phpVMS users and not to play Code Police or whatever People should really stop to steal and copy things and on the other side i also don't like to see that each and every code is getting inspected by some users as if this was a f****** lawyer or special agent community. Both sides stop that NOW! This Forum is to HELP and SUPPORT and nothing else!! (null)
  16. no only add the code to the pirep_viewreport.tpl .... that`s everything
  17. this works on my site <?php $schedule = SchedulesData::getScheduleByFlight($pirep->code,$pirep->flightnum); $fltime = explode(".", $schedule->flighttime); $minstar = substr($fltime[1],0,1); $minstarmin = substr($fltime[1],1,2); $flmin = $minstar * 10; $flhou = $fltime[0] * 60; $flminu = $flhou + $flmin + $minstarmin; $actfltime = explode(".", $pirep->flighttime); $actminstar = substr($actfltime[1],0,1); $actminstarmin = substr($actfltime[1],1,2); $actflmin = $actminstar * 10; $actflhou = $actfltime[0] * 60; $actflminu = $actflhou + $actflmin + $actminstarmin; if(($flminu - 20) > $actflminu) { echo "Early"; } elseif (($flminu + 15) < $actflminu) { echo "Delayed"; } else { echo "On Time"; } ?>
  18. that`s great...i can`t wait to work with it good luck with the module!
  19. you`ll have to explode the time first $flightime = explode(":", $schedule->flighttime); $flightmin = $flightime[0] * 60; $flightminutes = ($flightime[1] + $flightmin); something like that
  20. i have got something similar on my site right now... i used the realschedulelite module and modified it just to use as aircraft information site but i`m also looking forward to this. I would love to have a seperate module for that instead of the modified version i created http://www.flyhellenicairways.com/index.php/RealScheduleLite/get_aircraft?id=72
  21. it won`t work too well if you use that because you won`t have a margin for the On Time Display. You should convert the times to minutes first and then maybe do something like if(($scheduledminutes - 20) > $actualminutes) { echo "Early"; } elseif (($scheduledminutes + 15) < $actualminutes) { echo "Delayed"; } else { echo "On Time"; } ?> but remember that is not the whole code... you`ll have to convert the times to minutes first. I don`t have the time to look at it now but for sure someone can help you.
  22. thank you very much kyle...works great.
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