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Everything posted by mseiwald

  1. Your event sounds very interesting. Thank you for the invitation. I may join your event if i find the time.
  2. Sorry but didn`t he actually state in the above quote that he got it from the guy who created the template???
  3. But really joeri you see where this is getting the threads. You really should know better as a moderator. I don't defend those people stealing things! It sadly also happens to me and yes it is a shame to See someone stealing your stuff where you have spent hours on making things Look right. And i See your point getting angry when these people make points but doing these things themselfes. But, it doesn't help everyone when every va thread is hijacked just because One of them giving advises on things they don't even do theirselfes. It just makes this va forum Look like a childrens playground. And i really was wondering why in that mentioned thread you as Moderator kicked Off Another discussion about the same person that has already been Talked about in way too many other threads.
  4. i think Jeff was refering to the linked thread
  5. What about sorting them by Airline instead by Hub? I have sorted the Roster by airline on my Site! Found the Code somewhere here in the forum
  6. I had something similar a few years ago on another project (Not related to virtual airlines)! The license for a Site this size costs around 80€ for 3 months here in austria (if you only stream the songs and don't offer the files for download) The Module looks very nice!
  7. I have no such person to contact area on my contact form. I think you`re talking about the Name and Email adress lines? Look at it when you`re not logged in then it should look right. The Name and Email adress fields are automatically filled with the pilots information when logged in. This is the email adress where the VA should reply to when they get a message from the form. Not the contact persons Email Adress
  8. Jap i have the same in the Admin panel after 99 comes 1000 then 100 then 1001 then 101 and so on.... Thats bad for flight planning.
  9. I'm 100% with you. Totally agree to everything you said.
  10. what the (MOD EDITED) is going on in this forum?
  11. That`s not the point. The point is that this isn`t the right place for this kind of stuff... maybe create a subforum for copyright issues or whatever but it`s not the right way to spam every VA topic here with copyright issues.
  12. Oh come on i'm getting really sick of reading this kind of posts all the time. What the hell has this twa thread to do with your copyright Problems....i'll Tell you -> nothing! So why posting it all the Time??? The moderators really must do something against it! It is for other people like me really annoying that everyone posts his copyright problems here! Once again keep this stuff private! Sorry but i really have enough of this now.
  13. +1 for Kyle`s post. It is really getting annoying
  14. OMDB is the ICAO code for Dubai airport.
  15. i have created mine at this site: http://rainbow.arch.scriptmania.com/tools/clock/clock_generator.html as source you can select UTC time.
  16. No problem. Thank you jeff. Just wanted to be sure that i've entered everything correct because i just started cargo operations at hellenic air
  17. i understand. But whats the Basis for the Cargo amount calculation? There must be a Upper Limit so it doens't assign more cargo than the Limit for this Aircraft. I think it must be the maximum amount of cargo you enter when adding the Aircraft. Not the MTOW. Hope i got it right now.?
  18. ah ok thanx i'll have to take a Look into the MTOW thing as i have entered the empty weight for all aircraft. I'll make 2 test flights one with empty weight and one with MTOW entered and see what happens. Edit: but doesn't it calculate the load for cargo flights just from the Cargo capacity table?
  19. that`s great, thank you for this one!
  20. But i just want to know for myself now. Does phpVMS use the Data from this Fields? To me it looks like it's only showing this Infos in the Fleet Page! kACARS loads the FL from the flight, Not from the aircraft. I have It as i said empty weight and max cruise speed. I have had no problems and as it seems everyone has entered different Infos there and nobody seems to have problems. Thats why i think it's really only to display them on the fleets table.?
  21. Hm i have the empty weight und the cruising speed in kts in there. But i think for phpVMS it doesnt really matter whats in there. Not sure about this.
  22. I totally agree with Jon regarding the attitude of some people here. Come back on the ground guys. And in threads like this one.....if your not willing to help just leave the thread alone and stop posting unuseful and unnecessary comments.
  23. thank you very much Jeff kind regards Manuel
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