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Everything posted by mseiwald

  1. Well actually i dont know what you think that virtual alliances do but for example our Member Airlines still are operating completely (100%) independent from each other. What our alliance does is having events together and the VA's Support each other where needed. Codesharing activities are not controlled by the Alliance but are established between the Member VA's if they wish to. Via our alliance feed we offer our Member Airlines the possibility to invite pilots from all Member VA's to their events by only Posting it once (on the Alliance site). If the VA doesnt wish to invite the other members they are in no way forced to do so. What we do is to support each other when it comes to livery design, website features and whatever else is needed. But only on request. And finally of course it's advertisement for the VA's since we display their schedules and live flights in our website. As you see it basically is just a community where we can give and get support from our partner airlines, meet new people and enjoy our hobby together but never will it affect the independence of one of our partner airlines. best regards Manuel
  2. Hehe thanks Vanity. Actually there isnt really much that i can suggest. Only thing is to stick with your VA even if it doesnt get 50 active pilots just after launch. I see many guys here starting up a lot of VA`s and then if they just get a few pilots within the first few weeks/months they close down and try a new VA...and then do the same thing again and again. Actually when i started hellenic airways 2 years ago we had not more than about 5-6 active pilots in the first 6 months but i never thought about closing it down and open a different VA. Instead i kept adding new features to my site and improved the styling. And that still continues today. Whenever something comes to my mind I'm adding it to my site. Well and now finally hellenic airways starts to be a success with constantly at least 10 flights daily (average is around 20) but we even had days with 40. Sure there are a lot bigger VA`s with way more daily flights out there. But I´m totally satisfied with hellenic airways`s current state and it still continues to get bigger and bigger. So my suggestion is to no matter what happens stay with your projects and keep improving them continuously. Then you`ll have success.... maybe not immediately but for sure over time. If i may also do a little advertising ....our newly in cooperation with Joeri (TNTv Virtual) built alliance will be an amazing place to have fun and to support each other. However the VA`s are required to at least exist for 3 months before they can apply for membership.
  3. Well i agree with Tom. Actually they dont ever have to proof that they got permission from a real world airline to no one here at this forum. Thats not what the forum is there for and and also its not our business to check any approvals here. Thats the sole task of the airline or its legal department and noone else!
  4. Jap. Actually you can see all other pilots on VATSIM regardless if they fly on FSX, FS9 or X-Plane!
  5. <?php if($codeshare_details->flighttype == "P") { echo "Passenger"; } ?>
  6. Well <?php echo Auth::$userinfo->firstname; ?> should always work! Just add the Auth:: to your code and it will display correct....of course only to the Pilot who is logged in. But i guess thats what you are looking for as noone else is going to see the confirmation page
  7. open schedule_results.tpl and find the following lines: /* Skip over a route if it's not for this day of week Left this here, so it can be omitted if your VA doesn't use this. Comment out these two lines if you don't want to. */ /* Check if a 7 is being used for Sunday, since PHP thinks 0 is Sunday */ $route->daysofweek = str_replace('7', '0', $route->daysofweek); if(strpos($route->daysofweek, date('w')) === false) continue; /* END DAY OF WEEK CHECK */ and comment out this part: if(strpos($route->daysofweek, date('w')) === false) continue;
  8. Yeah that works! I have changed it on my site a few Weeks ago but i don't have access to the files for the next week as i'm still on vacation. However the code from the link you posted is also working correct.
  9. On my Site i have both times converted to minutes and then the checks.... I extended the range a bit.... if flighttime more than scheduledtime + 15 then it's delayed If flighttime less than scheduledtime - 15 it's early and else it's on time. That works. I can't give the code for it right now as i'm not on my PC but it should be easy to do for you.
  10. it depends on what you want to do. If you want to skip all routes that have already been flown on that day then you can search this /* THIS BEGINS ONE TABLE ROW */ in your schedule_results.tpl and just above that add $today = date("Y-m-d"); if($route->lastflown == $today) { continue; }
  11. glad that it worked for you
  12. that doesnt delete the pireps.... it just empties the route, log, and rawdata columns as they are using most space. I guess after 3 months nobody looks at these things anymore.
  13. mysql_query("update phpvms_pireps set rawdata='', log='', route='' where submitdate < DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 3 MONTH)") or die(mysql_error()); ; i have added that to a cron job that runs once a month updating some other things as well on my databae. You can basically add it to any cron job you want to or create a new extra cronjob for it. You might need to change phpvms_pireps to your correct table prefix.
  14. Sure... i'll have a look for it when i get home tonight.
  15. I had the same issue. I have set up a cron job that removes the logs, route_details and such stuff for pireps older than 3 months. Now with that it's working again but i guess as the table gets bigger the problem will be back sometimes.
  16. mseiwald


    Correct. He just wants to get something fixed that he has stolen from my site and he's missing the background functions for it cause he just got the tpl files but not the modules. i don't find it harsh to ask others to please not help him fixing a problem with a module that he has stolen from me. Actually it would be very unfair to others who have paid for it.
  17. mseiwald


    Do not help him with this please. He just gets the error because he's using a tpl file he has stolen from my Site and i have added a function to my PIREPS Data class. Thanks!
  18. $pirep->aircraft Should return the aircraft ID.... not the aircraft ICAO.
  19. you can avoid that by adding &MP=rect to the Image URL.
  20. All modules which i had planned to make public are now available on my site (see link in my post above). Some other stuff will remain exclusive to Hellenic Airways for now but i'll maybe publish them sometimes in the future. Some modules like the Departure TV Board seem to be taken from free modules available here on the forums but the code used on my module is completely different...it not only allows to select an Airport to display but unlike the free code also shows the flights in correct order from 1h to the past to 2h in the future. If you have any other ideas for modules let me know and i'll have a look at it. I can also make modules exclusive to your VA. I'll give you a quotation upon request depending on the complexity.
  21. Must not be that putting it below wont make a difference. On 2 of my pages it doesn't work when i have it on Top of the page but it works as soon as i put it to the bottom.
  22. Hey Guys, because some of you had asked about my modules i have decided to share some of the modules that i have created for hellenic airways as payware. Currently the following Modules are released: Company Routes Search Vacancies Administration Executive Flights Division I'll release a few more modules within the next day when i get the chance to have the Hellenic Airways styling removed from the templates and to change some functions to make it work on standard phpVMS installations. Besides that i'm still offering phpVMS skinning at crazycreatives.com. You can get the stuff at Crazycreatives. Please understand that all modules are payware as i originally had them written for use at my own VA hellenic airways or to be included in custom phpVMS skins for crazycreatives customers only and i'm just releasing them because of the many requests. For support please use the ticket system at crazycreatives.com to get the fastest possible response. If you want some more features included in any of the modules just open a ticket. I van make minor adjustments for free. More complex function additions or changes will cause an extra charge. best regards Manuel
  23. You can also go to core/modules/schedules open schedules.php and in the showschedules function remove # Show the routes. Remote this to not show them. $this->set('allroutes', SchedulesData::GetSchedules());
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