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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. First how do you wich flight Is the last one because i do not see any query and the same goes for the next flight
  2. info(a)baggelis.com or skype sv5frv1
  3. You mean if Elseif Elseif Else if Elseif And etc ? Good luck Ps. Have a look at the foreach statement http://www.php.net/manual/en/control-structures.foreach.php
  4. and also are you able to provide us with a database backup to check it on our machines to see if it is indeed a db problem and not a file isue
  5. From where did you downloaded the phpvms and also what is your php version ?
  6. it depends on the acars software as we use our own it is realtime we have setted it up every 1 sec to update
  7. indeed i had it first with airplain icon but i didnt like it so i put it just a line with an arrow the solution was to take the coordinated from the acars and save it in a temp table and after flight completion it is transfered to the pireps table
  8. Here is a link to a pirep that uses a php code solution that you dont need for a custom acars http://www.gsairways.gr/phpvms/index.php/pireps/view/237 with red is the route from the phpvms flightplan and the black is the actual flown route
  9. is it with all the pilots filing pireps or specific pilots ?
  10. Damn he got me my solution is @ line 93 in core/common/registrationdata.class.php add $money=Config::Get('SALARY_NEW_PILOT'); change the sql query to $sql = "INSERT INTO ".TABLE_PREFIX."pilots (firstname, lastname, email, code, location, hub, password, totalpay, salt, confirmed, joindate, lastip) VALUES ('{$firstname}', '{$lastname}', '{$data['email']}', '{$code}', '{$location}', '{$data['hub']}', '{$password}', '{$money}', '{$salt}', {$confirm}, NOW(), '{$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']}')"; add in local.config.php Config::Set('SALARY_NEW_PILOT', '500.17');
  11. from my experience with joomla i had the same problem whenever i made a module with some info from phpvms the site broke down most propably due the incompartibility of the 2 frameworks what i have done is setted up my joomla site and then made the same templte for phpvms. if you want you can have an idea at www.gsairways.gr
  12. A link would also be useful for more assistance
  13. There seems to be a mistake in the query in the kacars module atm im not in front of a pc so will get back to you later
  14. as it says here Notice: The template file "/home/a1580112/public_html//core/templates/forum_style.tpl" doesn't exist in/home/a1580112/public_html/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248 you are missing the forum_style.tpl file that is part of toms VAforum module so there are 2 solutions 1. remove <? Template::Show('forum_style.tpl'); ?> line from layout.tpl file it should be between <head> and </head> line 2 install the module by downloading it from github and following the instructions https://github.com/t...erritt/VAForum2 and remember whe are helping !!!!!!!! no need to ask for help the ship is not sinking yet
  15. Didn't we did a teamviewer session last year if you want we can do it again on friday
  16. Can you tell us how you installed it ?
  17. the website seems to be out of order the problem is that because fspap has a diverent db layout you will have to run a query joined with the db of phpvms in order to assign the fspap flight to the phpvms pilots. for example in flights table there is no pilot id but there is the pilots name instead in the phpvms_pireps there is no name column but there is a pilot id.those 2 have to get joined and then imported. if you make this script and then echo it on a table it is very easy to import it to excell and then import it to phpvms_pireps . so first you will have to import the pilots in phpvms with the same name as they are in fspapp. second you will have to match the fspap name with the phpvms name third you will have to cut the excess from the departure/arrival airport because phpvms requires only the icao ( for example KJFK) and then put everything in a table in order to extract it to excell. to sum up because i do not have your pilot info i cannot make an automatic php script as the names need to be the same
  18. you need to convert the data to match the phpvms_pirep table i will try to make you an automated script later on if you can wait or if you want you can send me the db to info(a)baggelis.com and i can try to do it for you
  19. I forgot to mention that i could help you doing that if you need any help
  20. Off topic starts First of all you will need to do plenty of if's like that Second what will happen when current chief pilot leaves your va for any reason. In my opinion the best solution would be a custom module connected with your database and assigning the trainer or manual to the pilot or automaticly /off topic end Here is your answer If(Auth::$userinfo->rank == "rank code" ) { Echo the name ; } ElseIf(Auth::$userinfo->rank == "rank code2" ) { Echo second name ; } And etc do not forget in order to avoid any errors Else { Echo "no trainer found" ; } Of topic lesson 1time the = might work but this means you are assigning data to a variable Twice the == means if something is like something
  21. Everything is possible if you have the knowledge to do it You will need to export the data from the current tables and modify it and insert it to the new one
  22. The code is already implemented you just need to update the navdata download it from here http://www.fs-products.net/index.php/downloads/viewcategory/6-phpvms-modules and install it
  23. What do you want do ?
  24. As this answer is wrong after viewing the statsdata.class.php i confirm that the statistics wont and pireps wont be affected as manuel says below
  25. Most posibly jquery incorpatibility or you are loading jquery 2 times have a look at the source code of your site and try to remove the jquery line from your header.tpl
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