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Everything posted by Vangelis

  1. there you should write full url like in your case http://www.wj-virtual.org/virgintest/core/modules/SimBrief/
  2. need links so i can help most propably wrong location of files
  3. Ok found the porblem it was a wrong file in the zip file i am sorry about it please redownload and install the new zip file and let me know link is here http://baggelis.com/index.php/phpvms-templates/simbrief-briefing
  4. if you dont use them what is the point f inserting all ? phpvms adds them automaticly whenever you add a route http://openflights.org/data.html has a dat file that is actualy a text with comma seperated file with all the airports almost every host's phpadmin supports importing csv so you can use this one
  5. Just arrived from a week off without internet monday i will start the research of the bug
  6. Ok i will have a look at it for your info i will be off for a week
  7. What php version do you have ? it seems that the function that converts the time from timestamp to normal time is not working
  8. I know that many of you where waiting for it, i would like to thank Ashley Jones from virtualthomson - TuiVirtual for the motivitation to make it. You are free to download it at http://baggelis.com/...mbrief-briefing What it does is adding a button to your briefing template and fetch all the info from the simbrief to your website. In order to use it you have to contact with simbrief via email at contact@simbrief.com in order to get an API key for free. Also your pilots need to be registered with simbrief in order to use their services. As it is free please consider buying me a coffee with the donate button Any questions will be answered throught the forum Download has been updated with new instructions as the old one was incorect sorry for the trounble
  9. Have you changed anything in the module or in the pilotdata class ? I get an error Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty needle in /home/voemerco/public_html/v2/core/common/PilotData.class.php on line 193 1;MLA9173;Embraer 175;FL380;KDTL;MMVR;DCT;22:00;3:00;PT-EST;ERJ170-200;86; That is why you do not get any info
  10. What do you mean with that does not return me the data flying there on my site It doesn't bring the flight data to the program or you are not shown on acars map ? Any link to your site might help
  11. Nice i just wonder how come and you do not use the phpvms ready functions and you prefer to write the mysql queries ?
  12. no need to import them when you add the schedules via csv then they are automaticly added
  13. it is up to the coder me personaly if the code is too complicated i putt comment else not
  14. Thank you on the aproach as always competiotions makes us better awaiting for the exe Best regards
  15. It doesnt bother me and if it is as you say then i apologize but as far as i havent seen a compiled version to be able to verify it then i will stick to this as there are members that are taking the code and offering payed versions. If you want you can send me an exe of a compiled exe to my email Best regards
  16. Where have i seen that before ? Ah wait i remembered I would like to remind you the terms of use of APVacars Opensource APVA is licenced under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported That means you are free to modify everything except the About Box as it hold's all reference to all modules and DLL's that i have used and also not making a profit by selling it.
  17. I am working a second job and just found the change to reply I was thinking of charging it for 10 euro as i need to pay for my hosting atm but it requires some php knowledge to install it
  18. Without wanting to be rude but you are half a year late
  19. Out of curiocity when you say you mean that the domain name will be free of charge ? and if yes with what ending's ? for example .com .nl . gr
  20. This is a function that i created for you just copy the file in /core/common and call it with echo vatsimpilotchk::search_pilot_online(Here you need to put somehow the vatsim id); this will bring the last name and first time from vatsim cert server vatsimpilotchk.class.php
  21. It is working and implemented in our va http://www.gsairways.gr/phpvms/index.php/pireps/viewreport/249/?template=OperationsEN
  22. you could do that with subdomains and seperate phpvms instalations with the same db
  23. phpvms has the ability to have as many airlines you want without making 3 websites in admin area -> Airline Operations - > Add edit Airlines
  24. you realize that it is from the 07 May 2014
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