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Everything posted by BaRBeR

  1. Try putting the airline name in the whitespace on the first one as we said above, and then post us all a shot dude
  2. the style color:white would actually be your font colour being white. To add a background, with an image you would need: background-image: url('LINK TO IMAGE IN HERE'); A simple google would have come up with this as the top result http://www.w3schools.com/cssref/pr_background-image.asp
  3. Personally, i think they are both a bit too plain, with the white spaces however, I think i prefer number 2. I think the top livery needs something in the white space, possibly the airline name
  4. if you mean you cant see a link in the admin center for pilot ranks it is /admin/index.php/pilotranking/pilotranks or it is under the Pilots & Groups section in the admin panel.
  5. Either that or you can change the link to the top banner's background image in your skin's css file.
  6. Try clearing your cache.
  7. My issue was the login form being in the layout, try removing that for the time being, just to test if it works without it being there.
  8. What pages do you have it on? And what is your website's URL?
  9. This error happens when there is no information within the database to populate: Just add information to the database like Airlines and Hubs.
  10. I also had this problem, can you paste me your layout.tpl code please.
  11. what exactly is the error which you get?
  12. Although I agree with the argument that the "newbies" on the forum should be willing to learn, and take on advice, i disagree that everyone could possibly give help for every piece of help they asked for, because some people are simply not able to. The vast majority of this forum are newbies to be honest, and the main purpose of this forum is to enable these people to get help from people with more knowledge than them.
  13. it should show up, contact tfdi, they are the developers
  14. it will be in the template file schedule_details.tpl around like 14/15 i believe it will be something like : <div id="<?php echo $schedule->depicao ?>" class="metar">Getting current METAR information for <?php echo $schedule->depicao ?></div> <div id="<?php echo $schedule->arricao ?>" class="metar">Getting current METAR information for <?php echo $schedule->arricao ?></div> You can possibly put it in there
  15. Good luck on the va Just a few little things, I'm not a fan of the colour of the navigation bar, especially considering the overall colour of your website. And secondly I think your site is a little too dark for my liking. However, I hope your va takes off, good luck!
  16. pm'd
  17. what do you have in your skin folder then?
  18. Hi All, I would like to introduce http://jordanbarber.co.uk/ a new host, we do hosting from as little as £3.00 per month and are offering a discount you can message me for the coupon code, check out our site to view the prices etc. Our servers are based in North Carolina, USA and are very powerful servers. Any questions pm or skype me on jordan_barber1 and I will be happy to help
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  19. looks fine to me?
  20. could be something to do with the 3 </div>'s </div> </div> </div> <div class="row-fluid"> <div class="span9"><h3>Vôos em Andamento</h3><div class="box"> <?php $q = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_acarsdata"; $l = DB::get_results($q); if($l != null){ ?> <table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="4" class="acarsmap"> <thead> <tr> <td><b>Piloto</b></td> <td><b>Nº do Vôo</b></td> <td><b>Origem</b></td>
  21. Any errors when submitting or anything?
  22. for an extended license isn't it $750?
  23. BaRBeR


  24. to create pages in phpvms what html knowledge do you need to know? You have the option in the admin panel.
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