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Everything posted by biokemisten

  1. try rename pilot_list to _roster
  2. Yes, it was acutally an unclosed div in schedule_details, Thanks!
  3. Thank you for your answer, ended up reinstalling phpVMS from scratch with no luck. Better contact CC about it!
  4. Thank you! I'll try your method tomorrow!
  5. hmm.. has to be another way, cause my stylesheet and pages is by default in my skins.
  6. My sidebar is not where it should be. (see the attatchment) the problem is on index.php/schedules/details/# any idea which page/template the problem is located? may also add iv'e got David Clark's Frontschedule. /B
  7. Do you offer pilot center design? cause i really liked this one.
  8. Does it work with kacars free?
  9. 5.3 i use
  10. No luck
  11. Where do i actually put rotate.php? Got it working.
  12. ill try that, thanks.
  13. this one? <li><a href="">About</a> <ul> <li><a href="<?php echo url('/**') ?>">***</a></li>
  14. Oh.
  15. Anyone?
  16. Amazing, thank you! But.. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/public_html/core/templates/hub/hubview.tpl on line 85
  17. Thanks, fitting great in frontpage_main
  18. i have some minor issues with my live map, did a flight yesterday and it still sending out data. So my flight on the map wont disappear unless i do another flight.. Thank you!
  19. biokemisten


    Wow, i love this!
  20. Is it possible to change 7 so other pilots are able to bid on a schedule that have the same aircraft?
  21. ''Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home//public_html/core/templates/vFleetTrack/map.tpl on line 16'' foreach($data as $l) And ''Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home//public_html/core/templates/vFleetTrack/view.tpl on line 125'' foreach($pirep_list as $pirep) any idea? Thanks!
  22. Is your MySQL database correct?
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